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Guide: How to Share PS4 Video Clips on YouTube

Broadcast yourself

There’s no doubt that the PlayStation 4’s share button has significantly changed the manner in which we communicate our gaming experiences with friends and family, but the console’s inability to upload gameplay clips to sites such as YouTube is a bit of an oversight. Fortunately, there is a workaround if you’re willing to leap through a few fairly simplistic hoops.

1. Find a clip worth sharing

Every share button story begins with a clip worth uploading, so simply play your games until you encounter something that you want to capture. This may be a killstreak, a glitch, or a really cool cut-scene. When you think that you’ve encountered the perfect moment, push the share button and follow the steps.

2. Upload to Facebook

In order to publish the clip to YouTube later, you’ll need to upload the video to Facebook first. If you haven’t linked your PS4 to Facebook, follow these steps to do that. Once you’re done, trim your video and select upload. You’ll be able to return to your game while the console deals with this in the background.

3. Find your video’s URL

Once your video’s uploaded, visit your Facebook profile on a computer or laptop. You should be able to find the clip on your profile’s timeline. Directly beneath your username, you should see a hyperlink outlining when the media was uploaded. Click on this to bring up the video’s own page. Beneath the movie player, to right hand side of any comments, you should see a list of options. Click the one labelled ‘Get Link’. This will bring up a URL, which you must add to your clipboard.

4. Download your clip

Visit on your computer and paste the URL that you just copied from Facebook into the input box. Click the ‘Download’ button and you should see a preview of your video. You can opt to download in HD (high definition) or SD (standard definition). Note that the latter will result in a smaller file, but the quality will be significantly reduced. Right click on your preferred option and select ‘Save As’. Select a directory on your computer, and begin to download the clip.

5. Upload to YouTube

Once the file has downloaded to your computer, you can then upload it to YouTube. Simply visit the video sharing website with your web browser, and select the ‘Upload’ button. Follow the steps, ensuring to select the correct file to re-upload. It will take a few moments to upload the file depending on your connection speed, but once you’ve completed the transfer, your video will be available for the world to see.