Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is an upcoming third person shooter/tower defense being produced by PopCap Games and Electronic Arts. The game is a direct follow up to the original Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare. Both of these games are takes on the original Plants vs Zombies games that debuted on the PC and then made the move to the mobile platform before they came to consoles. The game is due out on the PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 23, 2016.
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 was officially announced on June 15, 2015 with a new gameplay trailer. This announcement showed off a couple of new zombie classes as well as a new gameplay mode called Graveyard Ops. On July 8, Electronic Arts and Popcap showed off more of the game with a brand new trailer that showed more of the game, as well as a splitscreen functionality and a new map called Seeds of Time. On August 5, 2015 yet another trailer debuted for the game that showed off a number of new plant classes as well as a new map, Moon Base Z. EA and PopCap offered a demo of the game at Gamescom 2015.
On October 29, 2015, the two companies showed off more of the game, including variant characters brought over from the original game. In November of 2015, the game got yet another new teaser trailer where it showed off the Mech Z. This particular feature was reminiscent of the Titanfall mechs and will be playable in the new PvZ game. During this teaser trailer, the official release date, as well as the platforms for the game were announced. The release date was announced as February 23, 2016 and the platforms were announced as the PS4, the Xbox One and the PC. On December 9, 2015 yet another teaser trailer was showed off which debuted a new solo mode, as well as other character variants that were being brought over from the original game.
On January 7, 2016 the company announced there was going to be a beta for the game that would be available to anyone on the Xbox One and the PS4. The beta ran from January 14 to January 18. During this beta, players were able to play in the Backyard Battleground, and they took on the modes, Gardens & Graveyards and Herbal Assault on the Seeds of Time and Moon Base Z maps. As certain players advanced in the beta, they were able to unlock other maps. The beta also hinted at other modes, characters and maps but did not allow people access to these, saying they were only available in the full game.
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 takes place long after the war between the plants and the zombies had actually come to an end, with the zombies apparently winning that war. Suburbia, which has now been renamed Zomburbia has been decked out in a way in which the zombies are more happy with it but peace is a short lived prospect. For the first time in what has become a long running series, the plants are the ones that are going on the offensive and the zombies are the ones that are having to defend their turf.
There are a number of different modes that will be featured in the new game, as well as a number of different maps. Some of the modes have been brought over from the original game, while there are other modes that have been added to this game. The returning modes are as follows:
There are also several new modes, most of which are the zombie versions of previous modes that were more plant themed. The new modes are below:
The maps on which people can play are:
The usual online multiplayer and cooperative modes have been brought back to the game, though PopCap and EA have tweaked how players get into these games. There is a feature known as the Backyard Battleground. This location allows players to edit their character’s abilities as well as choose quests and jump into co-op or multiplayer action modes. Players can also send invites to as many as three friends and start a party in the backyard. During this party, players will be able to take on waves of enemies with each eave becoming that much harder to stop. One other function of this mode is that players can switch teams and turn against their friends.
As far as how many people can jump into a game, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 allows for as many as 24 players on an online map, and there is the ability for four player couch co-op. As with the first game, players will have full choice as to whether they want to take on the role of the zombies, or the plants.
There are 14 classes and more than 100 characters in Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. All of the classes and characters that appeared in the first game are returning. The new characters and classes in the game include:
The new zombies included in the game are:
A number of the returning characters have new skins or “variants” in this game. Almost all characters from the original game have some sort of variant that can be unlocked.
Note: This wiki will be updated once we have more information about the game