Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory review

We like RTS games, because they force us to read the game manual. It’s nostalgic in an inconvenient way. But accessibility has rarely been a problem with Fireglow’s Sudden Strike series.

The original game was a surprise hit eight years ago due to its minimalist approach, which remains true with this update. Upon hitting enemy soil, Sudden Strike 3 doesn’t force you to dig up arbitrary minerals or ask to you open a lemonade stand so your troops don’t die of dehydration. You’ll have to refuel and restock your tanks, and maybe repair the odd bridge, but that’s largely it. This leaves you free to concentrate on organizing your troops. Mobilizing them can prove more cumbersome as many of the maps are enormous by RTS standards, but to offset this you can assign default behavior characteristics to a platoon (fire at will, tread cautiously, et al), allowing you to turn your attentions elsewhere without having to baby-sit them from above.