God of War: Betrayal [mobile] review

Aug 15, 2007

To hold kill-thirsty, classical civilization enthusiasts over until the PSP'sGod of War Chains of Olympus drops later this year, Sony has been kind enough to give cell phone gamers a chance to revel in the dismemberment with the exclusive God of War: Betrayal.

Chronologically, Betrayal bridges the gap between the first two God of War games - but don't go expecting a rousing narrative addition to those tales. However, many of the things you know and love from the PS2 versions do make the transition.

While not the 3D platformer many are familiar with, the mobile excursion retains the branching pathways and puzzle elements despite the 2D limitations. Scattered Gorgon Eyes extend your health bar, as do Phoenix Feathers to your magic. The red orbs you collect from your fallen victims are also back, and can be put towards leveling up your skills and weapons for even more optimal ways to dole out death.