Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol review

Oct 8, 2007

While we don’t usually endorse specific retail outlets, Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol for the DS is being sold exclusively at Wal-Mart, which might be a bit ironic to some considering the game’s overt environmental themes. Similar to its GameCube predecessor, this portable offering has you controlling a tiny robot with a rechargeable battery and a power plug tail once again. Instead of doing in-home chores, Chibi-Robo is now outdoors where he is trying to simultaneously get rid of pollution while beautifying a park.

The premise sounds cutesy, but bear with us. It’s far less annoying than it sounds.

You spend each in-game day playing music to entice flowers to produce seeds, watering buds to produce flowers and freeing trapped plastic toys from toppled recycling boxes. The better you do, the better the park will look and the more Happy Points - yes, they are actually called Happy Points and you can collect stickers, too - you’ll earn which are converted into watts to power Chibi-Robo and all of his terraforming, smog busting efforts.