Bionicle Heroes review

Developer Traveller's Tales has had an almost unreasonable amount of success translating LEGO blocks into successful game franchises. Despite what some would say, the much beloved blocks even gave the ailing Star Wars franchise a much needed shot in the arm. So it's a sad thing indeed that they've failed to provide the same treatment for LEGO's original property Bionicles, on a system desperate for solid platformers.

Perhaps it's because the semi-serious saga of cyberpunky mechabots doesn't lend itself as well to the quirky face lift those other LEGO games benefited from. Let's face it - the LEGO Star Wars games didn't reinvent the wheel in terms of its gameplay. Rather, the level of humor and charm lovingly applied made them more of a delight to play. But even if you're familiar with the property and can tell a Naparu from a Kongu, the issues plaguing Bionicle Heroes don't end at its presentation.