What a coincidence: Eragon has shown up on consoles just in time to coincide with the release of the movie of the same name. One look at the film's trailer, or even the cover of the game, and you can get a pretty good idea of what you're in for: A short licensed game filled with half-assitude.
The game features your typical hack-and-slashery, with only a limited amount of combos to speak of. Eragon isn't your standard kiddy fare. Oh, there will be blood; not to mention broken necks, shattered spines and oof - plenty of crushed nuts.
When controlling main character Eragon, the game wields a static camera, over which you'll have no control. Often times, you'll be squinting to see yourself far off in the distance or doing battle entirely obscured by a column. Lucky for us, just mashing attack buttons will get the job done regardless of if you can see it happening.