Free eBook: 'Drones For Dummies' And Parrot Bebop Drone Giveaway

Is there anything cooler than drones? You can attach a camera to them and make some of the coolest videos ever. If you don’t want to record your flights, you can also just have a ton of fun flying one around.

But getting into the world of drones is pretty complicated, and you definitely don’t want to just go in blind. Don’t worry, though, because we have a free eBook that will teach you all kinds of cool stuff about the world of drones called “Drones For Dummies.” The book is valued at $16.99, but you can get it for free for a limited time!

It gets better, because everyone who downloads the book will be entered to win a free Parrot Bebop Drone valued at $499.99! Don’t miss out on this one!

Download the free eBook below!

Download: “Drones For Dummies“

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What’s Covered in ‘Drones For Dummies’

This book is written in plain English, so even if you know nothing about flying, you’ll be able to understand the topic and learn about having fun with a UAV.

There’s over 200 pages of content on a wide-range of drone-related topics. It starts with basics like how to choose a drone that meets your needs, and then it covers how to actually fly a drone with skill. After all, you don’t want to have an unfortunate accident with your awesome new flying machine that you spent a bunch of money on (or that you won from this contest)!


If you’re using a drone that’s capable of recording photos and videos, there’s a chapter completely dedicated to that, which will let you create beautiful media that people will want to see.

Before you take your new drone out, it’s definitely worth downloading this free eBook and giving it a read. It’ll teach you a lot, and save you some pretty serious headaches down the road. And make sure to share the download link with any friends who are thinking of getting into the world of drones, because they’ll definitely appreciate it!

Don’t forget, just for downloading this awesome free eBook, you’ll get entered into a drawing to win a $499 drone for yourself!

How to Get Your Copy

To redeem your copy and download the free eBook, just head over to this page and sign up for a free account. The process will take just a few seconds, and then you will be sent an email with a link to download a free copy.

It really is that simple. Just make sure to use a valid email address, as you won’t be able to get the link to download the book if you don’t.

If you’ve downloaded an eBook from us before, you don’t need to register your email address again! It will remember you in the system, so you simply need to click the link above and you’ll be sent an email to download this awesome eBook for free!

Want More? Check out all the other eBooks we have to offer right here! There’s a lot, so get ready to flex those brain muscles!