Fahrenheit or Celsius? Make Outlook Use the One You Prefer

You can get your weather report using free weather apps for Windows, but Outlook users can also see the temperature right inside their program. This is particularly useful for events, where you can spot the forecasted temperature for any Outlook appointments you have saved.

If you’d like to switch Outlook’s display temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius, just open up the File menu in Outlook and choose Options in the backdoor menu. Under the Calendar tab, scroll down to the Weather heading and you can change the temperature display between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

If you prefer, you can also completely disable the weather display on the calendar here, too. Need even more weather? Check out some of the best weather websites.

Do you use the temperature display in Outlook? Do you prefer Fahrenheit or Celsius? Let us know in the comments.

Image Credit: ChameleonsEye via Shutterstock.com