This 3-Minute Exercise Will Actually Fix Your Posture

Now that we’re all settled into the new year, it may be time to address an issue that many of us have but tend to ignore: our posture. This issue is especially important for those of us who sit at the computer all day, whether for work, study, or leisure.

What many people don’t realize is that sitting up straight is actually bad for you, mainly because it puts stress on your spine. What’s even worse is that bad posture can lead to trouble falling asleep and “forward head carriage” (also known as a hunchback).

Fortunately, the 3-minute exercise in the video above is an easy and pain-free way to rectify the problem. Believe me, I tried it… and immediately stood up straighter, felt better, and had more confidence. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it really does work.

Do note that even though the exercise has immediate results, they are temporary. In order to undo years of bad posture, you’ll have to do this exercise twice a day — once in the morning, once at night — for about a month. Only then will you start to reap longer-term results.

One last thing: this should NOT be seen as a remedy for actual spinal problems. Do not misconstrue this exercise, video, or article as medical advice. If you experience any pain or discomfort, contact your doctor right away.

Do you have bad posture? What do you think of this exercise? Got any other posture-related tips to share? Post them in the comments below!

Image Credit: Girl Posture Before/After by jehsomwang via Shutterstock