Portable Perfections You Must Play: The 10 Best PSP Games Of All Time

The PlayStation Portable, more commonly known as the PSP, enjoyed a solid run of 10 years on sale. This handheld games console from Sony has now been succeeded by the PS Vita, but that doesn’t mean it’s no longer worth owning.

Old games consoles never die, they just find their way onto eBay. There are hundreds of titles available for the PSP, most of which can be picked up on the cheap by those who know where to look.

The question is, what PlayStation Portable games are absolutely essential? We have answered that question for you below, with a list of the 10 best PSP games of all time.

Tekken 6

Release Date: November 2009
Metascore: 82/100

Tekken 6 is the best fighting game released for the PSP. This game has everything you’d expect from a fighting game, with a huge roster of characters, special attacks, and secret combos aplenty. The controls are intuitive, the fights are fast and fluid, and the visuals are hugely impressive on a handheld system.


Release Date: March 2006
Metascore: 85/100

Daxter is a must for anyone who loved the Jak and Daxter games, and a great option for anyone who enjoys fun platformers. As the title suggests, this game focuses on Daxter searching for Jak. This is a fun, good-looking, and addictive game that will get you hooked early on and keep you playing to the end.


Release Date: February 2008
Metascore: 86/100

Patapon is a rather unique game combining rhythm-action, strategy, and RPG elements into one glorious whole. You play a tribe battling against an evil army using drumbeats as a weapon. Patapon is fun, engaging, charming, and deep enough that you’ll likely get lost in its warm embrace for hours at a time.


Release Date: March 2005
Metascore: 89/100

Lumines is one of the best puzzle games ever released, arguably only bested by the ubiquitous Tetris. It actually shares some of the same DNA as Tetris, but what it loses in simplicity it gains in both stylish visuals and an interactive soundscape. Puzzle games never lose their appeal, as Lumines proves.

Valkyria Chronicles II

Release Date: August 2010
Metascore: 83/100

Valkyria Chronicles II is a fantastic strategy RPG which lovers of the genre will adore. Others may be harder to convince, but this is a game with the ability to charm anyone and everyone. You play a group of young military cadets involved in a bitter civil war, with each decision you make influencing the outcome of battle.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Release Date: October 2009
Metascore: 90/100

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is a standalone title in the ever-popular GTA series. Originally released on the Nintendo DS, the definitive version lives on the PSP. Playing from a top-down, isometric viewpoint doesn’t detract from the incredible action, hilarious humor, and outright sense of fun.

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

Release Date: March 2006
Metascore: 87/100

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror is one of the best games in the long-running Syphon Filter series. You assume the role of Gabe Logan, a special operative for a secret government agency who finds himself involved in a surprisingly complex plot. This is a stealthy, third-person shooter that will draw you in and refuse to let go.

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions

Release Date: October 2007
Metascore: 88/100

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions is a turn-based strategy RPG with an engrossing storyline and mesmerizing gameplay. This is actually a remake of a PS1 game, and Final Fantasy Tactics still feels as fresh today as it did back then. This is a truly epic game that you’ll lose whole days playing. And not regret for a second.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Release Date: June 2010
Metascore: 89/100

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is a surprisingly strong entry into the epic MGS series. The storyline may confuse series n00bs, but the rich presentation, dynamic gameplay, and gorgeous visuals counter any negatives. This feels like a home console game on a handheld system, which is a stunning achievement.

God Of War: Chains Of Olympus

Release Date: March 2008
Metascore: 91/100

God Of War: Chains Of Olympus brings the God Of War series to the PSP in style. All of the enchanting elements of the series are present, with bloody battles, complex combos, and beautiful boss fights keeping you entertained. It’s stunning to look at, bags of fun to play, and a true must-have for any PSP owner.

Add To This List!

The PSP was, and still is, a fantastic handheld games console. The PS Vita may be superior in almost every way, but that doesn’t mean you should miss out on these classic games. These titles are more than worthy of your time and attention, will eat away at your free time, and will leave you immensely pleased you picked up a PSP.

If you own a PlayStation Portable and have your own recommendations to make to your fellow readers, then please do so in the comments section below. This list of 10 essential PSP titles could, with your help, blossom into a much longer list.

Image Credit: Andréia Bohner via Flickr