Video Games Xbox One and his attempt to capture the hardcore gamer

,Computers As promised, Microsoft surprised the Xbox fans with a strong lineup of exclusive titles from both first party developers and third parties. And the Xbox conference at E3 2013 was 100% focused on the game, after that during the event of disclosure of Xbox One, the company decided to devote himself to show the capabilities of the Cheap RS Gold console as a comprehensive entertainment center based on television.

Starting with the presence of Hideo Kojima and Metal Gear to the announcement of a new Halo-in which the Master Chief wears a poncho strange and Dead Rising 3, the Xbox One proved to have franchises for all types of players: the secret lover The FPS fan and any other. However, the little surprises as Titanfall and next-generation gameplay, which incorporates vertical movement through the maps and teamwork to destroy enemy mecha, are what give the console ensure a place among hardcore gamers.

On the other hand, Microsoft seems to have a well-structured, based on the development of new intellectual properties to raise interest. And for that reason included F2P titles like World of Tanks and others with traditional marketing model, as previously announced Ryse: Son of Rome, Minecraft (one of the few who were able to snatch the top spot on the list of most played to Call of Duty on more than one occasion) and the long-awaited Killer Instinct.

Another interesting detail was that Microsoft revealed that in the near future will increase the benefits of having an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership. Apparently Xbox PlayStation Plus learned that we like the players and give away free stuff 2 new titles each month, starting in July. However, the fact that the former are Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed II significantly reduces the attractiveness of the offer, it came on the market several years ago. On the other hand, if we consider that these games can not be enjoyed on the Xbox One, the strategy ends up looking like an apology late, especially now that Sony revealed that the benefits of PlayStation Plus will be shared on the PS Vita, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation April.

Ultimately, the Xbox One has the potential to attract those who were touched by the promise of HD TV decoder to increase the entertainment experience and offer DVR and other services, as well as players who seek unique and experiences complex and profound. On the other hand, a detail that seemed to discourage some fans was the $ 499 USD that will console-and after Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 will cost $ 399 USD the situation worsened. Everyone seems to forget that this amount includes the new Kinect, what about the price a little of both consoles, but also have to assess whether the average gamer really wants and needs the new Kinect. The obvious question is whether to buy a Xbox One and, personally, I think the answer depends on each player. If any of the displayed exclusive excited you enough, or if you think the entertainment of Xbox Kinect and use can not miss in your life, the decision will be easy, of course, if your budget allows you to pay for your console release. In my case, since I saw the logo of Dead Rising 3 on the screen I knew I already had my own money. You may also like the article: OUYA creates fund to support developers