How to get Mario and Luigi outfits for your cat in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Happy Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate release day! To celebrate the occasion, Capcom has released a free downloadable "starter pack" for people picking it up in the first month, and it comes with a pretty ridiculous bonus gift.

First off, to get the starter pack, you'll need to connect your 3DS to the internet and make sure Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is patched to its most recent version. Once you're inside the game, go to your house, talk to the housekeeper, and select "downloadable content" in the menu that pops up. From there, select "gift area" and download the starter pack. Voila!

Once it's been downloaded, a number of great starting items will be deposited into your item box, including tons of potions, steak and traps. But the rarest and most important gift you'll receive is six "super mushrooms." With these, you can craft the special Mario and Luigi outfits pictured above for your AI-controlled cat companion.

So how to make that happen? You're going to around 2,000 zeni (the main currency in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate). Once you've gathered that much and completed at least the first two quests in the game, go to the Val Habar market and buy three large barrels. These are also needed to craft the new uniform.

Then head over to your blacksmith, talk to him, and select "Forge Palico gear" in the menu. Under "Weapon," you can create the "Invincible Hammer." The "Mario Cap" or "Luigi Cap" and "Mario Overalls" or "Luigi Overalls" will be found in the "Head" and "Chest" options.

The six super mushrooms will only be enough to make either Mario or Luigi's outfit, so you'll have to decide which plumber you prefer. Once the beautiful new gear is crafted, you can equip by walking up to the Palico Board in your house and selecting "Manage Equipment."

Just make sure that you download the starter pack soon. It's up now, but Capcom says it will only be available until March 15. Enjoy the new outfit, and happy hunting!

  • Via
  • Capcom Unity