World Of Warcraft Online - Millions Of Players Online

I remember years ago when I felt like playing a game I had to ask my best friends. We then sat down either at the kitchen table or occasionally in the living room. These days it is different. Do not get me wrong I still like to play a good game of Monopoly once in a while but who wants to play with me if I have the urge of playing at 2:00 am?. This problem is gone, now I just have to fire up my trusty computer and connect with a gaming universe. It can be night or day, any days of the week, there is always people ready for playing. No more waiting to get my friends to play with me. I guess you have heard about World of Warcraft online? If not well, you might have been living under a rock or you are certainly not interested in online games. Let me tell you about this great game.

Azeroth is a world in which long and tumultuous past is forged in the fires of unremitting conflict. It has been four years since chaos reigned over this burned world and King Arthas of Lord Aeron was getting mad by recurring visions of the Frozen Thrown of Icecrown. As it was expected, past now repeats itself as armies of the Horde and the Alliance prove their mettle on battlegrounds and clash weapons and magic in colossal, organized territorial wars. Be careful your time has come.

Choose an alliance, hone your abilities, and print your mark on Azeroth history. World of Warcraft is the first MMOG in the four part Warcraft series, with previous Warcraft titles being RTS games. Players, like a lot of MMOs may find adventure in fighting different monsters and in accomplishing missions given by many NPCs throughout Azeroth.

In World of Warcraft, victory in these endeavors yield rewards in the form of money, items and experience. Players may also take part in PvP battles in the forms of dueling and fights with gamers of opposing factions. Most monsters and quests can be handled solo in the early to middle stages of exploration around Azeroth. Past that point, nonetheless, more and more gameplay will require a good team of gamers, generally two to five in number. Large-scale raids can call up to 40 gamers to succeed. At level 40, gamers are able to get a mount based on their character's race and reputation, which may appear at will. These are not cheap to buy and train, but add to the player's status and significantly increase their speed of travel.

Unfortunately, gamers may not engage in battle while on a mount. The level cap in World of Warcraft is now 70 with the new expansion, with rewards for victorious raids at this level being in the form of excellent loot. Since the first day back in November 2004, I have played World of Warcraft, and I can say that this online game is a blast to play!

Just a little advice regarding online gaming. It is sure a lot of fun but do not lose too much sleep over it or your best friends for that matter. There will be new games coming out for years to come. What is new today will be old in a couple of years. But a good friend is worth a lot more to me and last a lot longer.