Free job promotions
To start: Open the cheat box and type 'aging off (your Sim must be an Adult male). Get the career you want. Go to work until you bring home a female friend. Get 100/100 relationship and full love for this person. Now send her home. After work, invite your girlfriend over, then bring her to the hot tub and do a WooHoo (if she rejects you, wait until later and try again). Do WooHoos every day for 1 week (e.g. Sunday to Sunday) you can't get a promotion at this point or the cheat won't work. Now invite your girl over to your house just before work, then leave for work while she's with you. SAVE NOW. Now: during work you'll be asked a question (with three options: ignore, option 1 and option 2). You must either: click ignore or get the right answer.
NOTE: If this message does not come, something is wrong, begin the cheat over. That day, after work, you will come home and will make a pile of money -- there will be about 8-12 messages on the side saying you got promoted to the next job, plus you get one saying you reached the top. Enjoy your top rank job! SAVE.
Set to 搕rue?for all filmic cheats to function: boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false. Zero is normal and eight is slower. Slomotion 0-8. A look that is bright and blurry. "r", "g," and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255: Bloom (r g b x) creates a filmic look in which a clear focal point and blurry surrounding: vignette (centerx centery X) Changes a film graininess: filmgrain (0-1) Makes a letterbox view of a designated size: letterbox (0.0-0.4).
Combine aspiration rewarda
If you combine aspiration rewards you will get even bigger boosts. For example, if your Sim is wearing a Thinking Cap and feeds Smart Milk to their toddler, the toddler builds skill four times faster.
Faster wall paint
To paint the walls faster push down the mouse then the shift button at the same time then let go of the mouse and then the shift button.
Never pay bills
Go to buy or build mode and use the hand tool. Pick up the mailbox and delete it.
Free groceries 1
Order for groceries and wait for the man to deliver the goods. When he arrives, do not greet him. He will ring the bell two or three times and wait for you. When you do not answer, he will place the goods there and not take your money.
Free groceries 2
When you struggle with funds and you need food, call up the delivery dude and when he arrives. Type ctrl+shift+c and bring up the box and type move objects on, and then enter buy mode and take the delivery and place it in your house and you will not need to pay.
Free groceries 3
When you run out of food call the food delivery. When the truck comes and the boy/girl from the truck gets the food quickly pause the game and do the move_objects on cheat. Then get the food put it on your table and delete the truck and person and you have free food.
Maximum skills
To fill your skills to the maximum level instantly, enable the "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" code. Then, pause the game without going into build or buy, and select your skills icon. When you are in the tab with the skill meter click and drag the pointer over the desired skill bar to raise it.
Purchasing expensive houses
Use the following trick if you want your average Sim to buy a house that is above his or her means. First start a family or load one, and find an empty lot. Move the Sim on that lot. Enable the motherlode code a few times, just to the point where you can buy the expensive house. Exit the lot, but save the game. Then, evict (move out) the family. Notice that your family is displayed at the "Choose Family" window. You can now buy any house desired.