Evolve: How To Unlock All The Monsters


Most Evolve players have grown familiar by now with the Goliath and maybe you haven’t unlocked the other monster types yet but the end all be all is of course, The Wraith. Here is our simple and straightforward guide to unlocking the Monsters in Evolve.

Now if you already have the Kraken, you most likely pre-ordered the game as that is the only other way to get the monster other than our guide here. If you don’t well you must earn him as well as the Wraith.

Step 1: Offline

The easiest way to level up is offline because the NPC is not as smart or cheap as some real-life players can be. Your goal here is to essentially divide and conquer so go with your favorite mode and have at the hunters with your monster.

Step 2: Know Your Goal

In order for the next monster to unlock you must level up each of your current monsters special abilities. For the Goliath, these skills are Rock Throw, Leap Smash, Fire Breath and Charge. You’re going to want to use your abilities as much as possible in the match and not worry about winning or losing the match. As it just comes down to leveling up these skills until a star fills and you can move onto the next one.

Step 3: Building Up To Level 3 (Optional But Helpful)

This step is completely optional but it is very helpful if you sneak around and eat the indigenous life on the planet to grow your monster up to level 3. By doing so your making your monster stronger which he can take more damage and you can do more special attacks on the hunters for a longer period of time. So it is actually beneficial to grow to level 3 before attacking the hunters.

Step 4: Attack, Attack, Attack

This is really the last main step as you just have to keep attacking and rotating between special moves to take down the hunters and focus on doing as many specials as you can while the others charge back up. As you are doing so a progress bar will pop up on the left side at 25% increments to show you how you are progressing. Once it goes to 100% you don’t have to use that special move anymore, it has leveled up, now move to the next special.

Step 5: Rinse & Repeat

You will want to rinse and repeat this tactic for the Kraken to unlock the Wraith. Although the Kraken does fly so sneaking will be a bit different. Either way, keep on going and after a few solo games you will have your very own Kraken and Wraith to play around with in Evolve.