Dead Space 2: Severed PS3 Trophies

Dead Space 2: Severed just arrived on Xbox 360 (will arrive on PS3 later today), and to help you out in your gameplay we present to you complete trophy list. In total there are eight trophies in the game out of which seven are bronze (three hidden) and one silver.

Dead Space 2: Severed DLC

NOTE: The hidden trophies in the DLC are related to story that can be unlocked automatically.


Remember the Alamo
Severed: Kill 16 or more enemies in the final last stand combat sequence

Peng Me Again
Severed: Find the Peng treasure in Severed

King of the Hill
Severed: Defend the wuarry platform until the door unlocks

Grind House
In the grinder room, cause an enemy to die in the grinders

Three Hidden Trophies


The Veteran: Severed
Complete on Zealot difficulty