How to use Bayonetta 2 Breakdance, Witch Twist, Panther Within, Charge Bullet and More Combat Moves for Nintendo Wii U

In Bayonetta 2, defense is supposed to be an important part of your strategy and without a proper training, it will be difficult for you to deal in the game. Therefore, to overcome this and to sharpen your skills a little bit, here we are with some techniques which you can use while you are defending yourself in the game

Bayonetta 2

How to use Bayonetta 2 Breakdance, Witch Twist, Panther Within, Charge Bullet and More Combat Moves

This attack can be best used to clear the enemy crowd, so to execute this technique just press and hold on to the evade button.

Witch Twist
Another launching attack which can be performed in the air where you have to press and hold evade button, following by pressing and holding punch button.

Panther Within
This technique allows Bayonetta to transform into a panther for increasing her speed and mobility so while landing, press evade button and left analogue stick twice.

Charge Bullet
This is a charged shot from Bayonetta's guns which causes a lot of damage. To execute it, press and hold the action button followed by pressing the action button.

This technique can be used to cover large distant enemies all you have to do is push left analogue stick in enemy's direction twice and then press punch. This technique can be executed in the air as well.

Heel Stomp
This technique can be executed in the air and it comes down as a vertical kick. To execute this technique simply push left analogue stick backward, forward and press kick.