Destiny: The Taken King Lost to Light Secret Mission Guide, Reward List & More

So here we are to share all the details on how to complete the Secret Mission - Lost to Light and get the rewards and many more. There are certain requirements you need to fulfill before you proceed with this mission. There are few *SPOILERS* so read it on your own risk. Follow the steps given below very carefully.

Destiny: The Taken King

Basic Requirements:

  1. FireTeam Highly required
  2. Level should be 290 and above 

Make sure you have reached the level 290 and above to continue with the mission. So to Begin with just follow the instructions step-by-step and you'll unlock the chest it in no time

  • Directly Start up The Taken King's Story mission - "Lost to Light" from the Moon. Set it to Light 240 Hard.
  • Now move very quick as possible and skip all hostiles you can up until the Ogre boss. You need to try and eliminate him as fast as you can.
  • Just after you have obtained the Crystal, the Oryx will appear in holographic form and you have to run and escape the Hellmouth.
  • During your escape, you'll cross two doors and near the third door it requires three Relics which are located by a Hive Seeder. So you have to avoid this and directly head towards the doors which lead to the Fallen Ketch. 
  • Make your way towards the gravity lift and make sure you are ready to head up.
  • You'll be put on a 10:00-minute timer as soon as you encounter the First Taken Threat.
  • Kill everything that comes in your way and progress through the ship and complete the Mission.

The Rewards:

You are rewarded with Exotic Black Hammer variant - The Black Spindle and a Ship - The Vienna Singer. The Black Spindle is an exotic Sniper rifle with 310 damage. The Vienna Singer is one of the Legendary Ship. Check the Images below and Enjoy with your new weapon and Ship.

Black Spindle


Vienna Singer
