List Of All Star Wars: Battlefront Easter Eggs

Star Wars: Battlefront Beta has been doing the rounds since October 8 and some of the players/fans have already figured out the hidden features called the Easter Eggs in the Game. Check out Everything you need to know about the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta and the Easter Eggs.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta

No Suprise to hear that the Star Wars Fans have already started their hunt for Easter Eggs in Beta itself. So Without any further ado, let's begin with the List.

Tusken Raiders:
During the Survivor Mode, these Raiders are tucked away in some corner of the Map. Here is the Trick, if you venture far enough to clock eyes on the raider then you might have the same fate as Luke had in Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope. To Know more check the Video Below for exact Location.

This Guide is will soon be updated with new Easter Eggs. If you have anything to share you can post them below in the comments section. Also, Check our Other Guides on Star Wars Battlefront Tips and Tricks, All 5 Collectibles, Vehicles.