To end the Political issues within London, Jacob now plans to assassinate the Earl of Cardigan within Houses of parliament in the last part of Sequence 7: Motion To Impeach.
Jacob Reaches the Houses of Parliament and examines the opportunities to assassinate the Earl of Cardigan. You'll have opportunities: Minister(Unique Kill), Corrupt Policeman(Stealth Kill) and Politician(Assistance) to Kill Lord Cardigan.
First you need to select your opportunity. According to the opportunities the gameplay will affect, we are using Unique Kill. you also have two side objective: Don't kill any Policeman and second not to get detected by the target. So locate the Minister and steal the Cardigan's door Password.
Locate Lord Cardigan's Room in the Parliament house. Once you've located him just take him down. On his death Bed, he will explain about Balaclava. Now escape the Parliament House to End the last part of Sequence 7: Motion to Impeach.
Outside Animus: Cutscene starts where Bishop had sent an Master Assassin(Galina Voronina) to help Shaun and Rebecca from the Templars. Shaun Explains how Desmond Miles was and how he had helped the people of Earth for being extinguished.