Halo 4 Multiplayer: Map Guide


Size: Small

Abandon’s dense forest looks like it should be surround by Flood or at least part of a Halloween set. With a central two floor building in the centre of the map, two small cave systems (complete with walkways leading into the building) can be found on either side.

Tree trunks and boulders provide cover around the complex. Some boulders can even be stood on for surprise attacks. This is the perfect map for the revamped Flood gametype and results in some tense, claustrophobic firefights. 



Size: Small

Focusing on a central room with an in-production Mantis, two levels of corridors branch out away from it eventually leading to external areas. There’s a launch pad funnel on the ground floor of the central room that will give you quick access to the second tier, but players need to wary. There are many tight corridors, which will see you bumping into players without warning.

There’s all a jump pad outside which will grant you access to the second open area, but be warned, this only goes one way. The external open areas are small, but it’s easier to evade attacks here. Inside, the tight corridors make it difficult to escape when someone has you in their sights.



Size: Large

One Halo 4’s largest and most iconic new maps, Complex has large open spaces, a ring road and a lot of buildings dotted about for players to hide in. You’ll find Mongoose and Ghosts will appear on Complex so watch out for them. There is also a roof that overlooks the main open area and courtyard that’s home to any snipers.

It grants a full 180-degree view of the level is the perfect place to pick people off. Be wary of the open road and stick to using the inside areas for cover. Inside you’ll find rooms with plenty of cover and always with more than one exit if you’re in need of a quick exit.  



(Variations: Ascent and Griffball)
Size: Large

Erosion comes in three flavours. Its normal (and really quite large) normal layout, a smaller version (Ascent) and a Griffball mode, which limits the layout to a Griffball court. Erosion and Ascent are both set inside a cave system, but don’t let that give you the impression that’s small – there’s enough room to fly a banshee round. You should also find a collection of Halo vehicles to enjoy.

The level itself is divided up into four tiers that gradually grow in height the further into the level you travel. These levels are perfect for attackers looking down the map to dominate any players attempting to make their way up. But, there are number of intricate cave systems on either side of the open spaces that will lead you up the level and provide you with easy cover. Building complexes at the top and bottom also provide cover.



Size: Large

Sure to become one of Halo 4’s most played maps Exile is perfect for big team battles. Essentially a circle with cave systems running along either side (as well as through a central hub) Exile has tons of places to hide, but a lot of open ground to cover in between them. The perfect map for vehicles players caught out in the open will find themselves blown to smithereens faster than they can ‘I love Cortana!’

Turrets can be found at the two bases that are located at opposite ends of the map (Capture The Flag fans should take note of their locations), but it’s really the central hun that you should get to grips with. With so many tunnels, all leading in different directions, knowing where each one takes you is vital if you’re attempting to loose enemy players or vehicles.



Size: Small

Set entirely in the gleaming structure of a Promethean building, Haven presents a mirror image walkway either side of a central passage. There are three locations where players can access a lower, much more covered passageway (besides the obvious ledges where you’re able to just jump down). The action tends to focus on the south end of the map where a small circular courtyard acts as the perfect choke point for players to find and kill each other. 



(Variations: Relay)
Size: Medium

One of 343’s most interesting maps, Impact is set on an enormous asteroid. You’ll find the surface of the asteroid is devoid of useful cover (and it’s a massive space with plenty of places you can fall off the level). Inside the only standing structure you’ll find a dig site surrounded by four levels of circular walkways. It might look small but this building is surprisingly big with a number of good hidden spots perfect for ambushes.



Size: Large

One of a number of Halo 4’s maps that present a truly massive playing space. Longbow is a snow-based level with a semi-horse shoe shape to it. At each end you’ll find base structures with vehicles, but there’s also a middle building that provides much of the indoor action.

There are a number of large open spaces and a road system that traverses the level, even leading up to elevated areas that will eventually connect you with the central structure. Longbow has a complex layout with a number of intricate buildings surrounded by open areas that players will easily shot down in if they’re caught running across them.



Size: Large

Another big level, Meltdown has two medium-sized bases that overlook a number of canyons that all lead off in different directions. With multiple levels to each canyon and even the bases themselves it’ll be hard to cover all you entrances when an enemy team comes knocking.

Bases can be identified by the snow or lava that surround them and with cave systems secretly leading into them, there’s more than one way into each protected area. Its tight design belies the large nature of Meltdown and it’s easy to become lost in its maze-like structure. Be careful you don’t accidentally wander down an unknown canyon only to come face-to-face with a rival Mantis.



Size: Medium

Previously Valhalla (from Halo 3) other than having a visual upgrade this map is unchanged from its previous incarnation. The introduction of new vehicles, such as the Mantis, shakes things up, but Ragnarok was one of the best maps in Halo 3, and it’s still one of the best maps today.

With two symmetrical bases standing in a huge canyon, you’ll now find two jump pads are available to launch you into the action. With loads of open ground and two small cave structures on either side of the canyon, there aren’t too many places to hide. With vehicles able to dominate if they’re not dealt with effectively, this is an old (ish) map, but still one of the best.



(Variations: Settler)
Size: Small

Ravine is a curious map. On the one side you’ll find a large open space with very little cover, while on the over, a huge Forerunner structure with plenty of places to hide. Running in between these two areas is a huge-ass canyon that if you fall into (and you’re not equipped with a jet pack) you’ll certainly fall to your death.

It’s one of 343’s more basic maps, presenting a simple premise and battlefield. It might be easy to understand, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find firefights here just as ferocious and tough.



Size: Medium

Another Forerunner-focused map, Solace presents a complex interior with a symmetrical design. With base areas have corridors that lead off to a central jump pad area. It’s here you can gain access to the upper layer (remember, this map is symmetrical) and even more dense walkways.

This map presents some tight areas and a lot of paces where it will be easy to become overwhelmed by players. Use the different levels of the walkways as a way to escape and be wary of players coming up behind you. There are so many complex corridors here they may not always be friendly.  



Size: Large

Probably the biggest map 343 has produced for Halo 4, Vortex is a long map that has a central Forerunner structure that runs along its entire length. Inside the Forerunner structure is a simple base with two layers, but it’s what’s outside the buildings on Vortex that matters.

Though there are a number of bases looking in towards the central Forerunner funnel building (as well as a few caves that you should look out for), it’s the large open spaces that will occupy most of your time. Vortex is perfect for vehicle play and with boulders, roadways and multiple bases to worry about; you’ll want to jump in a Warthog or Banshee as soon as possible.

Playing Halo 4’s multiplayer? What’s your favourite map? Let us know below.