WoW: Mists of Pandaria Beginner’s Guide

The juggernaut that is World of Warcraft continues to steam forward with the new Mists of Pandaria expansion, and Game Front is here to help you get started right. The Pandaren race is here, what was once an April Fool’s Joke has become a reality, as not only can you play as these half-human half-panda hybrids, but you can explore the new land of Pandaria. Give the new Monk class a shot, or try the new open missions, or just level up to the new cap of 90. Throw your weight around with the new vanity pet system or talent tress, or just dump your money in the new Black Market.

Basically, there’s a lot to do on the secretive island of Pandaria. Don’t start this massive quest alone, learn all about the starting zone, the new race, the new class, and more here on the Beginner’s Guide to World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. For even more extras, secrets, and guides; check out the Mists of Pandaria cheats.

Check back after release for new updates.