The Best Gaming Podcast Ever: Episode 14

Yes, even the mighty bros at The Best Gaming Podcast Ever can't ignore the overwhelming tide of Sykrim marketing! But it's for the best, because what other open-world RPG is about eating troll fat? Annie took a big helping of Skyrim over the last couple of weeks, and leads the discussion, talking about her Dark Elf who also looks like Abraham Lincoln. Apparently the Nord are pretty big on stove-pipe hats.

Also this week, The Crew comes to the stunning realization that Grand Theft Auto is about killing hookers and shooting people, but it's also about snapshots of American Culture! It's a discussion that must be heard to be believed. - it teeters on the brink of insanity.

If you're into listening to people in despair form three-part harmonies, you might be a huge Elliot Smith fan! Alternatively, you might also be a fan of Castlevania! Well, if you're a fan of dudes with whips fighting Dracula, we've got you covered! If you can manage to bottle up your rage on the comments section of a website about videogames, you could win a copy of Castlevania: Harmony of Despair on PSN by clicking the “Like” button at the top of the page and leaving a suggestion for an interesting topic of discussion!

As always, tweet the crap out of this post, and like us on Facebook. We need the validation. We're vampires of popularity, and we need people to like us to survive. Ian is practically skin and bones these days!

This week's song is Destiny Awaits by Aleister MacAoidh.

BPGE crew on Twitter:

Jacob Saylor, Matthew Stewart, Dennis Patrick, Ian Cheong, Annie Dennisdottir Wright.