Top 6 Insane Modern Warfare 3 Knife Kills

Best MW3 Knife kills

knife kills

The Modern Warfare series has always offered some of the most interesting displays of skill shots, thanks to its Kill-Cam. Many players have also taken it a step further by recording their gameplay sessions to capture their most skilled plays.

Some of the best skill-shots come from knife-throwing and knife kills in general, which tend to require a bit more skill—and luck—than your average bullet kill. 

We've sifted through dozens of videos to bring you some of the most fascinating skill-shots we could find in this compilation. 

If anything, these videos should inspire you to pick up your controller and keep playing until you have videos of your own to show, if you haven't gotten to that level already.


This first video shows what looks like a great combination of skill and luck as a knife is thrown all the way across the map for a clean kill with the knife.


Watch this player spaz out as he performs an epic knife kill by lobbing it directly into the sky.


This player performs a once-in-a-lifetime throwing knife kill. The video follows the trajectory of the knife as it flies all the way across the map to land on a gunship before dropping down onto the player below.


The player misses his first shot, but makes up for it with a knife kill that more than makes up for his mistake.


Throwing a knife can save the lives of your teammates—and of yourself. It takes a lot of quick thinking and quick reflexes.


This player dominates the entire map by running around with nothing more than a knife, slaying others as they pass by and stabbing them before they have a chance to react.