Top 6 Amusing Skyrim Game Fails

Skyrim Game Fail Videos

skyrim fails

Comic Credit: ebbewaxin

We've already established in a previous post that Skyrim is a game that's full of easter eggs and other assorted goodies, but like the other Elder Scrolls games—Oblivion and Morrowind—before it Skyrim offers infinite opportunities for emergent moments that arise from simply playing the game. 

Skyrim players have captured a good number of fantastic videos that exhibit some of these incipient moments that have, for some reason or another, become 'fails'. 


Yo dawg, I heard you loved chopping wood so we put wood in your axe so you can chop wood while you chop wood.


Is that a horse climbing a mountain? Apparently horses in Skyrim are capable of defying gravity as much as goats are in the real world—until they fall off, anyway.


This video shows a glitched out introduction sequence at the start of the game in which the carriage carrying the player and his fellow prisoners has stopped, but not for the reason it's supposed to. The see-sawing horse is particularly hilarious.


This huge club wielded by the giant isn't just for show, as the player will soon discover.


Dragons aren't great to mess with, especially when you're perched quietly above them.


The true Dark Souls begins not in Dark Souls, but in Skyrim, where—thanks to a bug—it's possible to give your character a nonexistent head.