Top 15 Characters Who Should be in Sonys Title Fight

Title Fight Character Wishlist

Next to nothing is known about Sony's rumored take on Super Smash Bros Brawl. Titled "Title Fight," the game is purported to be in development at Sony and Superbot Entertainment.

The game is said to feature the likes of Sony first party characters like Uncharted's Nathan Drake, Twisted Metal's Needles Kane, Colonel Radec of Killzone, Fat Princess, God of War's Kratos, Sly Cooper, and PaRappa the Rapper. A host of other characters are expected to make appearances in Title Fight, which I plan to discuss further on in this article. 

Sony has yet to truly confirm the existence of the game, much less disclose the characters who will make it into the title, but its existence (and the anticipation and build-up towards its reveal) has been fueled by posts on twitter by SuperBot level designer Chris Molina, who alluded to Sony's "Michael" commercial, which featured the likes of many first party Sony game characters, as well as a host of third party characters. The designer said that the commercial vaguely foreshadowed a soon-to-be-announced title. 

Without further ado, here are the twenty characters whom we think will more than likely appear in Title Fight—including the ones already rumored to appear. 

15. Clarissa Arwin

clarissa arwin

Clarissa Arwin is the main character in Wild Arms XF. Armed with a gun called the Strahl Gewehr, this frontierswoman is a combination of both Western and Steampunk styles and sensibilities. 

14. PaRappa the Rapper

PaRappa the Rapper

Using the power of dance (and rap), this crazy little character can be expected to dance his way to success. Perhaps he'll even slap foes with a "U rappin' AWFUL" attack. The possibilities are immeasurable. 

13. Fat Princess

fat princess

It's hard to imagine how Fat Princess will show up in Title Fight, but I'd imagine she'll be surrounded by her little soldier helpers who not only feed her cake but help her to get around. 

12. Gabriel Logan

gabriel logan

Protagonist of the Syphon Filter series, Gabriel Logan is a special forces operative in service of a clandestine organization known only as The Agency. He's basically a lot like Solid Snake, without the whole premature aging problem. 

11. Selvaria Bles

selvaria bles

A leading antagonist in the third party game Valkyria Chronicles, Selvaria Bles is a character whose veins flow with the blood of the legendary Valkyria. She wields superhuman powers in battle, and is armed with a lance and shield which she uses to demolish tanks. She is arguably the most discernible character in Valkyria Chronicles.

10. Ratchet & Clank

rachet and clank

Ratchet and Clank are space traveling adventurers. Ratchet's a feline-like... thing called a Lombax, and Clank is his faithful sidekick robot who provides Ratchet with the ability to fly, glide, and even dive underwater. Ratchet's handy with a wrench and he's not afraid to use any guns at his disposal.

9. Jak & Daxter

jak and daxter

Jak and his sidekick Dexter (the otter who hangs around on his shoulder, for the most part) are the kinds of characters you want saving the world. Jak's popularity surpassed that of many others, when he was listed in the Guinness World Records as one of the top 50 characters of all time. 

Jak's special relationship with a magical energy called "Eco" allows him to possess a variety of powers, which in turn provide him with speed, strength, and the ability to project energy attacks. 

8. Cole MacGrath

cole mcgrath

Cole MacGrath is the super-powered hero of the Infamous series of games. Formerly a bike messenger, who was caught in the epicenter of an explosion that gave him electricity-based powers, Cole is capable of clearing entire streets by conjuring a whirling vortex of electricity. Couple that and his parkour abilities, Cole is a force to be reckoned with. 

Just to keep things interesting, Sony could even provide players with alternate versions of Cole to play with.

7. Nathan Hale

nathan hale

The protagonist of both Resistance 1 and Resistance 2, Nathan Hale is the hero of the resistance against the conflict with the Chimerans, who threaten to take over the planet and drive the human race into extinction with their virus.

This badass may not have had the leading role in Resistance 3, which was given to Joseph Capelli, a family man, but he'd certainly be a better fit in Title Fight because of his presence in the first two games. 

6. Tomas "Sev" Sevchenko


Where would Colonel Radec be without his opposite, Sev? As the battle-hardened veteran of the Killzone series, Sev is extremely capable in hand to hand combat, and trained in the use of a wide assortment of weapons.

5. Colonel Radec

colonel radec

Colonel Mael Radec is the leader of the Helghast forces and the guy you have to fight last in Killzone 2. Like a cross between Adolf Hitler and a super soldier, Colonel Radec is a prime fit for a game like Title Fight.

His dark presence and distinctive outfit in Killzone 2 gave him arguably as much personality as the protagonist—Sev. 

4. Sly Cooper

sly cooper

Sly Cooper is an anthropomorphic raccoon whose skills involve stealthing around and plenty of jumping. Needless to say, the devious bastard is sly, athletic, and more than a little bit snarky. 

3. Needles Kane

nedles kane

Needles Kane is the brainchild of David Jaffe, a clownlike character (Needles Kane, not Jaffe) whose menacing appearance and psychotic personality has allowed him and his vehicle—Sweet Tooth—to become the most famous of all the characters in Twisted Metal. 

Depicted as a serial killer clown, Needles Kane is every serial killer movie character wrapped into a single, deranged package of murder and chaos.

2. Kratos


Kratos has already appeared in another recent fighting game—Mortal Kombat—but that shouldn't preclude him from earning a front role in Title Fight. 

Armed to the teeth with his chain blades, a bow, and potentially other weapons, Kratos's presence in Title Fight would lend the game a touch of brutality.

1. Nathan Drake

nathan drake

Hero of the Uncharted series, Nathan Drake's appearance in a Super Smash Bros Brawl type game is more or less a given, thanks to his popularity, personality, and presence as one of Sony's biggest leading men. 

Possibly armed with a gun, the Indiana Jones-like Nathan Drake is more than capable of going hand to hand with the best of them.