Remember Me Collectibles Location Video Guide

remember me featured

We have the guide (Mnesists, Patches, Focus Boosts and Scaramechs) for Remember Me which was released by Capcom this month. The game features Nilin, who is the main protagonist, and it is set in Neo-Paris.

She does not know who she is and is fighting a corporation that wields full power over people’s memories. She is also trying to find out who she is and the game is based on that.

This guide will tell you how to find collectibles scattered across the world. The game has eight chapters and will also unlock Achievements/Trophies if you find them all. The prologue does not have much collectibles and you can check your collectible progress on the status menu.

The game won’t save after you find a collectible so make sure you live to pass through the next checkpoint. Also, missing one checkpoint will result in you having to replay the entire chapter.

Check out the guide below.

Episode 1 collectible locations:

Episode 2 collectible locations:

Episode 3 collectible locations:

Episode 4 collectible locations:

Episode 5 collectible locations:

Episode 6 collectible locations:

Episode 7 collectible locations:

Episode 8 collectible locations:

This guide is being updated so stay tuned to Gamechup.