Shut Up and Take My Money: Top 25 Skyrim-Themed Crafts

Top 25 Skyrim-themed Crafts

skyrim shut up

Released in November to much critical acclaim, it shouldn't be surprising that Skyrim has inspired many creations. Beautiful wallpapers, useful mods, annoying memes and awe-inspiring cosplay are just some examples of these creations. Some have taken it further than that, though. Not content with fully leveling up their crafting skills in-game means that some fans have contracted a rare condition called "craftlust."

This is when you are overtaken with the desire to make things and put them up for sale on Etsy. We're working hard on raising awareness of this condition and a fundraiser is on the way. In the meantime, here's the top 25 Skyrim-themed crafts--from the must-haves for any true Skyrim enthusiast to the most ridiculous, WTF Skyrim Regretsy-like horrors. We'll even throw in some choice items for your beloved, should they be a fellow Skyrim nut. Don't worry, if they don't appreciate your gift you can still keep it for yourself. Win!

#25 Skyrim Buttons

skyrim buttons

Let's start with the conservative for all you practical folk out there, shall we? You probably don't want anything too showy, too gauche--just something that discretely says "I dig Skyrim". If that's you, then these pins are perfect for you.

Price: $1 | Buy it here.

#24 Your Character as a Custom Sculpture

skyrim nomed

If that's NOT you, if you want to put your fandom on full display with the most crazy thing possible, then perhaps you'd be into a special, custom-made bust of your character?

Price: $148 | Buy it here

#23 Skyrim Dragonborn Hand Tooled Leather Wallet

If you can afford that, then you clearly have a bit of spare cash on-hand. Why not put that cash in this special Skyrim wallet?

Price: $65 | Buy it here

#22 8-bit Skyrim Quest Target

Maybe you're the forgetful type. Maybe you need a reminder of where critical story-based quests like "I need a sandwich" are. In that case, this quest marker decal beckons.

Price: $9.99 | Buy it here

#21 Skyrim Etched Smokey Grey Glass Cup

The immediate follow-up quest to "I need a sandwich" is "I need a drink", so here's something to take care of that. 

Price: $15 | Buy it here

#20 Skyrim Stormcloak Leather Arm Bracers

skyrim stormcloak

Can't cosplay your Skyrim character without these special leather bracers. How are people going to believe you're a real Stormcloak without them?

Price: $30 | Buy it here

#19 Skyrim Cross Stitch

If you're not sick of the arrow to the knee joke, then perhaps this classy cross stich is of interest?

Price: $25 | Buy it here

#18 Skyrim Wall Vinyl Decal

skyrim vinyl

Your place could always use a little sprucing up. Why not throw a Skyrim decal on your wall?

Price: $15 | Buy it here

#17 Super quality giclee on canvas

Decals not your thing? Here's a great Skyrim poster.

Price: $39.99 | Buy it here

#16 Dovahkiin is Printed on a vintage dictionary page

skyrim dictionary page

Posters are too pedestrian. Here's some fine art instead. Look at that frame!

Price: $7 | Buy it here

#15 Skyrim Sweatshirt Hoodie

skyrim sweatshirt

Maybe you'd like a more casual emblem of your meme-endorsing ways. This hoodie would be right up your alley.

Price: $25 | Buy it here

#14 Skyrim sword charms

skyrim dagger

These adorable little weapon would make great charms for your phone.

Price: $8 | Buy it here

#13 Skyrim - Greeting Card

skyrim card

If you're in here for the significant other tips, for the items that'll win your fellow dragonborn's heart, then this cute card is for you. 

Price: $0.99 | Buy it here

#12 Skyrim Ingredient Vial Pendant

skyrim pendant

When courting someone, it's important to show them your hunting prowess. There's no better way to do that than to show them vampire dust.

Price: $18 | Buy it here

#11 Skyrim Panties

Okay, you're in now, right? The only way to one-up the previous gift is to offer these special Skyrim panties. Nothing says sexy-time like FUS DO RAH on your unmentionables. Just try to not yell that out should anything, err, happen between you two.

Price: - | Buy it here

#10 Skyrim Candle Holder

Remember to set the mood with candles, though. 

Price: $40 | Buy it here

#9 Skyrim Glass Potion Bottle

skyrim potion bottle

And should you require wine on that special night, serve it out of this Skyrim potion bottle. Tell 'em it's a love potion.

Price: $29.99 | Buy it here

#8 Skyrim Bottle Topper

Don't go overboard with the love potion. Top it off with this bottle topper, save some for next time.

Price: $34.99 | Buy it here

#7 The Elder Scrolls Dragon Mandolin

skyrim mandolin

If you're the musical type, then you'll definitely want to check this special Skyrim mandolin. It's shaped like a dragon-axe and everything.

Price: $695 | Buy it here

#6 Skyrim Dovahkiin Dragonborn doll

Are toys your thing? This cuddly dragonborn doll fits the bill. 

Price: $30 | Buy it here

#5 Skyrim Plushie Doll

skyrim plushie doll

Look, it doesn't matter how old you are. You can't have enough toys. 

Price: $55 | Buy it here

#4 Skyrim Dragonborn Dog Cosplay Costume

skyrim dog

Screw the toys. Your lovely canine friend can dress up and be a part of your elaborate cosplay costume. 

Price: $55 | Buy it here

#3 Skyrim Pendant

skyrim pendant

There's never enough Skyrim things to wear. Plus, this pendant is kind of boss, isn't it? 

Price: $16 | Buy it here

#2 Skyrim Inspired Fleece hat 

It's still wintertime in some places. What better way to keep warm than a fleece Skyrim helm?

Price: $44.95 | Buy it here

#1 Skyrim inspired helm with beard and bracers

skyrim costume

For those of us that lack the appropriate amount of burly to deal with such weather, though, we need something more than just a helm. We'd need, like, a crazy-ass beard to go along with that helm. Look no further than this amazing helm-with-beard and bracers. It's the ultimate in Skyrim paraphenalia.

Price: $125 | Buy it here