Aggregate Herald - Late Edition 30.03.12: No Means to No End

Aggregate Herald

So and here we go again. Mass Effect 3 still isn’t out of the headlines, and it seems it might be awhile longer until the whole sphere of gaming finally moves on and talks about anything else.

The man calling Mass Effect the ‘most important piece of science fiction of this generation’ is back with a vengeance, with a huge piece comparing Mass Effect 3 to Lord of the Rings. An interesting piece, but be warned as a) there are spoilers on Mass Effect 3 and that ending everyone is still talking about and b) it is in fact, a really long read.

Apparently, in the wake of the whole controversy over the ending, things start to unravel - only to be instantly getting caught up in corporate red tape. Understandable, given the situation and the still raging shitstorm. The latest piece of the puzzle seems that allegedly - it’s not entirely clear if that was really him or not - one of the writers spilled the beans on the production process and how that ending came to be. Yeah, still spoilers here, so be warned those of you still caring about those things.

Now, to something completely different.

Being a gamer can be a harsh lot. A first world problem. Being banded together by a raging, raving, frothing at the mouth band of what appears to sixteen year old idiots, yes that’s hardly an ideal way of perceiving the hobby. Which is why Will Porter over at Computer and Video Games doesn’t want to be lumped in together with all the other munchkins calling themselves ‘gamers’. A notion I have to admit is all too understandable.

In the final piece of today’s early edition of the Herald, we have another long, but not long winded, interview with an industry heavyweight - none other than Randy Pitchford of Gearbox. He talks about the past, present and future of the makers of Borderlands, about Borderlands 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines. It’s a treat and really worth the time of anyone interested in what’s going on in the industry of making good first person shooters - yes let’s just forget that Gearbox also made Duke Nukem Forever. Which wasn’t really their game but the game of a long defunct studio.