Torchlight 2 Guide: How to Find the Minecraft Secret Level

minecraft secret level in torchlight 2

Borderlands 2 isn’t the only game to claim dibs to a Minecraft easter egg/secret area. Runic Games’ newly released Torchlight 2 also plays host to a Minecraft easter egg in the form of a dungeon. 

If you’d like to visit the dungeon, you’ll have to play the game until you reach Act 3’s Sundered Battlefields. Once you’ve arrived, run up to the very northern edge of the map and you’ll come across a dungeon entrance called “Notch’s Mine.” 

Minecraft secret level

If the name sounds familiar, that’s because it belongs to Markus “Notch” Persson, the creator of Minecraft.

The dungeon within is small, and it contains some very familiar models and a type of enemy known to all fans of Minecraft—the Creeper. Just like the ones in Minecraft and Borderlands 2, it’ll explode when it gets close, so beware!

Minecraft secret level

After clearing it out, you’ll discover a treasure chest containing unique weapons from Minecraft. These items range from rare Iron Swords and Wooden Swords to more powerful Diamond Swords.

Check it out:

Minecraft sword

Torchlight 2 is currently available on the PC.