Top 10 Traitors in Video Games

I think that discovering traitors and being backstabbed stings more in a video game. The medium allows its participants to immerse themselves in a world much longer and really get to know its characters. Whenever I experience a betreyal in a video game, I would be reeling for days in grief and disbelief. 

Join me as I look back at some of the shocking betreyals in video games. Be warned for spoilers!

10. Lucy Stillman (Assassin's Creed)

I was really shocked with this plot twist near the end of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Lucy was a character who has been with Desmond from the very beginning and they even had this budding love story going on. However, it was cut short before it even started when Desmond stabbed her beyond his control.

We later found out that this was because Lucy was secretly working for the Templars. I was truly heart broken over this. 

9. Loghain (Dragon Age: Origins)

We witness this heartbreaking betreyal early on in the game after witnessing your player's origin story. Loghain was in charge of sending reinforcements to aid King Cailan and his army after you lit the beacon. However, Loghain does not follow through and decides to retreat instead.

While most people find this heinous, I am totally sympathetic to Loghain's character since he didn't do it for power unlike Arl Howe (will mention him later). He tried to act in the best interests of Ferelden to no avail. Understandable but you might not want him covering for you during a battle.

8.Eric Sparrow (Tony Hawk: Underground)

THUG was undeniably one of the games that held the title of "my personal favorite game of all time" at some point. Eric Sparrow was your best friend from New Jersey who accompanied you throughout your rise to skate board stardom. The only problem is that he totally claimed to accomplish an amazing stunt you pulled over a helicopter as his own.

That's not even the worse part. He also tricks you into thinking he wants a reconcilliation, only to get you into serious trouble as you land in jail somewhere in Moscow. Don't worry, you get to prove him wrong!

7. Frank Fontaine (Bioshock)

Throughout the game, you only had Atlas as your partner to guide you and help you understand the chaos that has befallen Rapture. You even help him try to save his wife and child. In the end, you had to kill him because there was no family and Atlas did not exist. You were talking to Frank Fontaine the entire time and he manipulated you to do his bidding through using the "would you kindly" trigger phrase. In fact, your whole life was a lie.

Sometimes we don't have problems killing traitors because they are usually stock characters. However, Fontaine is an excellent example of a character players were floored upon realizing his treachery.

6. Lance Vance (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)

Lance Vance was Tommy's friend and partner in Vice City from the very beginning of the game. He was like your sidekick and that's what made me love having him around. However, it turns out that Lance didn't appreciate being seen that way. In addition, Tommy constantly berates him for his shortcomings and often implies that the Vercetti "empire" was a one-man job.

Although Lance was not entirely innocent, it was still sad to kill him since he was a friend Tommy had from the start.

5. Kreia (KOTOR II)

Kreia was one of the first party members you find in the first mission located in Pergaus Mining Facility. She offered wisdom and often lectured you at times about your love interest. Regardless, she became a mentor figure to my character and I always listened to whatever she had to say.

I was heartbroken when I found out that she was really Darth Traya, a member of the Sith.  However, you do get some closure in the end before the game's brief conclusion.

4. Arl Howe (Dragon Age: Origins)

While Loghain's betreyal was about protecting Ferelden, Arl Howe's motivations were mired by his lust for power and freed. He was only looking out for himself. The Human Noble's entire family, except for your brother, was slaughtered. Howe even gloats about it right before you kill him, making it all the more satisfying. 

3. Julius (Saints Row)

Julius and Troy recruits you in the beginning of the game after they save from the Vice Kings gang. They helped hone you into becoming a big gang figure. However, Troy turns out to be an undercover cop. The good thing is that he showed reluctance in arresting Julius and even warned the former to cool things down so he wouldn't arrest his friends.

Julius decided to skip the pleasantries and decided to bomb the yacht you and Gat were on to stop your rise to the top. He may have his reasons as he sensed that the player was becoming more power hungy, but betreyal is still betreyal. 

2. Edgar Ross (Red Dead Redemption)

Edgar Ross blackmails you into killing your old gang members and mentors to protect your family. In the end, all your efforts in the game was all for nothing since he eventually broke the deal and decided to wipe out everyone from the gang by eliminating John Marston. 

The good thing is you can avenge Marston's death through his son Jack. Ross' death echoes his past statement that "everyone will eventually pay for what they've done."

1. Big Smoke and Ryder

It turns out that the Grove Street family bond isn't for life. The Johnson family's long time allies Big Smoke and Ryder betrayed the gang to have their own taste of power. They thought that they were too good for the gang life, so they sold their gang out. While it might take a long time to see them again, CJ gets to exact his revenge.

The interesting thing is that Big Smoke and Carl even talk before the former dies and end things on a civil note.