Fighter Within Wiki: Everything you need to know about the game .

Fighter Within is an upcoming competitive fighting game / martial arts simulator that is currently being developed by AMA Ltd under Ubisoft and is going to be exclusive for the Xbox One.

The game aims to bring the most immersive motion controlled action game to life by making use of the Xbox Ones brand new Kinect 2.0 motion sensor bar.

The game is currently slated for an the Xbox One launch on November 22nd of 2013.

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  • 1. Development
  • 2. Gameplay


Fighter Within is going to make use of the Kinect 2.0 Motion Sensor Bar, this is thanks to the 1080p camera that can process the required 2gb of visual data every second. The ability to track the players “skeleton” with such a great degree of accuracy allows for a seamless and 1 to 1 interaction between the players on screen avatar and the opponent. The 2.0 motion sensor bar enables the players to use throws punches and kicks which wouldn’t have been possible with the previous sensor bar.


One of the long but never delivered promises of the video game world is that we would eventually see a 1 to 1 responsive competitive fighting game. Fighter Within hopes to accomplish this with its ultra-accurate motion tracking combat. Whether it’s in an offline match versus the computer or against one of your friends (possibly a stranger you’ve never met) online, Fighter Within aims to be the world’s first fully motion based martial arts simulator that actually works. The Kinect 2.0’s ability to read the players movements makes it able to throw a variety of punches and kicks, perform counters/reversals and special combos. Characters even have access to special moves that can be executed by inputting the correct motion.

Fighter Within

The punches and kicks will be given the correct elevation that they are actually being executed in, meaning head strikes and kicks to the legs are to be expected, allowing skilled players a more tactical approach to fighting rather than just flailing wildly. Combo reflect combos that are found in real martial arts, but with an arcade style flare, 3 jabs a hook punch and a kick will be reflected on screen but in the characters martial art style of choice, meaning a kickboxers 4 hit combo will be separate than that of someone that practices something like wing chun for example. No competent fighting game is complete without a working block mechanic, players can block the enemies’ attacks by raising their hands in front of their face in the same way a boxer would.

Moving your on screen avatar is accomplished by leaning towards your Kinect 2.0 motion  bar, and to move backwards you lean away from it. Whether or not this can be used to initiate a counter or move quickly and slowly is unclear.  The game features a gameplay mode called “Initiation mode”. When playing initiation mode, the player is expected to work their way through a ‘story mode’ which sees you make your way through a campaign that makes use of all the games various characters. By doing this, it helps develop the games various fighters as well as act as a tutorial and show you the ropes of how to fight.