Beyond Two Souls Gameplay First Missions Actual Game Footage

Beyond Two Souls Gameplay First Missions Actual Game Footage

Beyond Two Souls Gameplay

Initially the release date of this game was the october 21st, but right now gamestock is giving early access codes for people to redeem to play it right now. The reason for doing this is because the demo doesn’t come out on a good day.
That actual date is when the Battlefield 4 beta comes out and also GTA 5 online comes out.
The story of this game is really interesting, Jodie has a spiritual being that aids her, that’s what is giving her powers. The spirit also has it’s own mind and can sometimes disobey her.

Pre-order this game here

Gameplay of Prologue:


First mission The Experiment Gameplay:


The Embassy Gameplay:


The Party Video Gameplay: Be Sociable, Share!