Doting Dad Mission GTA 5

Doting Dad Mission GTA 5

Go to Tracey.

Follow the blue route to Tracey’s location at the Vinewood Plaza on Spanish Avenue. When you arrive, get into Tracey’s yellow Weeny Issi.
Tracey says she last saw the stalker in a purple convertible just around the corner at the Hawaiian Snow store. A new yellow destination blip marks this location

Look for the stalker.

Follow the yellow route to the location at the corner of Power and Hawick. Tracey doesn’t see the stalker and suggests another spot, a motel opposite the big downtown construction site. Follow the new yellow route to the new destination . Again, Tracey doesn’t see the creep anywhere.
Next, Tracey suggests checking out the Cluckin’ Bell in Rockford Plaza . Follow the yellow route again to the new destination: No luck. Tracey directs Michael to turn around and head back up the hill, then around the corner, near the Croq a Hoop store . This time, the stalker’s purple vintage convertible shoots past Tracey’s Issa. He’s on to you!

Stop the stalker’s car and deal with him.

Chase the stalker’s car. You can open fire drive-by style and nail the driver. Another quick way to deal with him is to immediately toss a Sticky Bomb at his convertible and detonate it before he gets too far away. But the method that leaves Tracey the happiest with her father is to halt the stalker’s car without harming him-shoot out its tires, for example-and then chase him away on foot. Let him go after a few seconds.

Take Tracey home.

After dispatching the stalker, drive Tracey back to the De Santa home in Rockford Hills . Pull into the destination marker in the driveway to end the mission. Be Sociable, Share!