Fire Emblem: Awakening Treasure Guide: Chapter 8

Now that we have covered how to recruit all the characters available in Fire Emblem: Awakening it’s time to cover another tricky aspect of the game: treasures. Fire Emblem veterans know how hard it can be to get some treasures in the series: most of the times they’re placed in hard to reach spots and guarded by powerful units. Other times you’ll have a limited time to get these treasures since some quick ruffians will get in the way of your treasure collecting endeavors and steal the treasures before you even have a chance to get them. Getting treasures on map it’s not something that’s required to complete the game but some of the rewards are definitely going to help you in some of the harder story missions. To be able to beat the ruffians to the treasure you’ll need a sound strategy and some quick moving units: while they may be getting the treasures before you, you’ll still have a chance to obtain the rewards if you manage to defeat the Ruffians. Aerial mounted units are the best moving units of the game as far as movement range is concerned; you can also use thieves to move quickly, but not as quickly as the winged units. In this guide we will be covering all the treasures available in the game: the ones in the chests are the most useful but since we’re completionists, we will be covering all of them. A game’s not completed once everything has been discovered folks!

  • Chapter 8 – The Grimleal

While there are no visible chests on the map, there are some really nice treasures in this map. As you probably noticed during unit positioning, there are three villages to explore with some easy to get rewards with no ruffians who can take your treasures and run from the map with them or villagers to save in hard to reach locations. You can take your time reaching these villages and the treasures will still be there for you. You can obtain the Rescue Staff in one of the villages and get a Master and Second Seal in the others: if you’re into character customization or you want to upgrade a character’s class, you may not want to pass on these two easy to obtain seals. As I said before, there’s no reason to not visit these villages so get your units out in the field and get moving!