Skylanders Giants Tech Skylanders Guide: Boomer

“Thousands of years ago, the Giants fought epic battles in Skylands but were banished to Earth. With a new threat looming, it’s time to bring them back to join forces with the Skylanders to defeat KAOS. Only you can put them on the Portal of Power to unleash their strength in the ultimate battle to save Skylands!”

The Skylanders in Skylanders Giants are many and all come with some unique capabilities: players are able to use the all new Skylanders created specifically for Giants as well as the older Skylanders released for Spyro’s Adventure.

The Skylanders in Giants are divided into different types:

  • Lightcore Figures

Lightcore Figures are Skylanders that light up when used on the Portal of Power: they also have a special Wow-Pow in-game ability

  • Giants Figures

Giants Figures are the biggest Skylanders you can find, twice more powerful than regular Skylanders. Giants are the only Skylanders that can be used in the Feats Of Strength special events.

  • Series 2 Figures

The Series 2 Figures are Skylanders from the previous Skylanders game who have received new stats and abilities

  • Legendary Figures

Legendary Figures are Skylanders wearing a gold armor: they come with increased Damage and Armor stats.

  • Special Edition

Special Edition figures are the rarest and hardest to find: they look like regular Skylanders but come with different colors, designs and abilities.

Skylander are also divided by different elements:

  • Air
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Life
  • Magic
  • Tech
  • Undead
  • Water

All Skylanders figures will keep information about them stored inside of it, not inside the game: here’s everything that’s saved into the figure.

  • Experience Points and Experience Level
  • The “Nickname” that you give to your Skylander
  • Currency
  • Upgraded abilities and Statistics
  • The Hat your Skylander is wearing
  • The Quest ranking of your Skylander

It’s also possible to reset all the information by selecting Reset in the Manage section of the Skylander Info menu.

Before starting to analyze all the new Skylanders of Giants, we have to mention the fact that all the Skylanders from Spyro’s Adventure can be used in this game as well: you can also level them up to Level 15. The only difference from Giants Skylanders is that the older SKylanders don’t unlock Heroic Challenges: you will have to use Series 2 figures to do it.

  •  Boomer

Boomer is a Skylander created for Spyro’s Adventure: like all the others, it’s fully compatible with Skylanders Giants.

“As a young troll, Boomer liked nothing better than big bangs and blowing things up. His favorite target of all was sheep, which he loved to blast sky-high. So it was only natural that when he grew up he became an explosives expert in the troll army. But although the army delighted in Boomer’s detonations, he soon felt something was wrong. The army was actually seemed to take all this war seriously. So Boomer scamped merrily to find some sheep instead. The Troll General erupted with anger when he heard that Boomer was gone. He needed his demolitions expert to blow up a dam and flood the village below. But Boomer had overheard the General’s plans and intended to intervene.

So, while his former squad mates destroyed the dam, Boomer began throwing sticks of dynamite at a nearby flock of sheep. The sheep hurtled through the air and into the oncoming torrent of water where their thick wool began to soak it all up. By the time the water reached the first village house, the deluge had become a dribble. When Master Eon heard that Boomer had rescued an entire village, he signed him up quick-smart. Now, Boomer’s explosive skills are used only to terminate evil (and still occassionally sheep, although he’ll deny it if you ask him).”

  • Stats

Max Health – 230
Speed – 35
Armor – 18
Critical Hit – 50
Elemental Power- 25

  • Upgrades

Dynamite Toss Default
Troll Smash Default
Dynamite Fuse Fake-Out 500
Bash Smash 700
Troll Bomb 900
Triple Bundle Dynamite 1200
Troll Bomb Boot 4000

  • Path 1 Upgrades

Bomblastic 1700
Troll Bombs Away 2200
An Accident Waiting to Happen 3000

  • Path 2 Upgrades

Havoc Smash 1700
Stupification 2200
Megaton Charged Super Smash 3000