Top 30 Best Minecraft Tips & Tricks For 2014

Minecraft has been out for awhile, and players have discovered a wide array of tips and tricks during their forays into its vast and wide open sandbox environment. Given the game’s quirkiness, players have discovered a lot of neat little tricks to help them get the most out of the game. 

In case our previous top ten tips for Minecraft weren’t enough, here are thirty more quick and dirty tricks that’ll help you out in the game. 

1. Create a zombie-proof door by raising it by one block.

2. If you’re planning to jump from someplace high, make sure you have a water bucket in your hand and spam space bar and you might just survive

3. If you sprint and jump at the same time it’s faster than just sprinting.

4. If you’re in lava and you’re about to die, just place down a water bucket.

5. Throw your garbage away in cactus.

6. If you have a fire resistance potion a pillar of lava can be used as a quick drop.

7. If you’re going on a ride in a boat push the boat out before hopping in. This gives your boat a little speed boost

8. To get the most out of your glowstone use a silk touch tool.

9. Sand and gravel can be broken by saplings, rails, flowers, mushrooms, torches, redstone torches, levers, fence gates, and even string. 

10. You can get the maximum effect of a potion by throwing it in the sky and having it land on your body.

11. If you’re going up against silverfish, use the lighter so they can’t reproduce.

12. If you’re fighting against the Wither, do so in a confined space so it can’t maneuver and hurt you.

13. If you open your inventory you can shift-click your armor on and off. 

14. In your inventory screen, you can use the hotkey numbers on your keyboard to choose where you want things to go. This also works with items. 

15. You can create a pool of water that can be infinitely used by putting two water sources in two corners of a square and taking water from each of the corners.

16. The best lawnmower is a water bucket The best way to get rid of cobwebs is to use a water bucket, too. 

17. You can hop across oceans with a lily pad. 

18. When adventuring in caves you can use torches to block off water sources.

19. While in water the following things give a little airpocket: fences, nether fences, iron bars, glass panes, fence gates, trap doors, ladders, slabs, doors, cobblestone walls, and signs.

20. You can kill endermen easily by hitting them in the feet. 

21. Save the durability of your weapons by hitting monsters manually—by clicking slowly.

22. Mushroom biomes have special properties: monsters don’t spawn in at night. 

23. You can hit fireballs back at ghasts. 

24. You can sneak while climbing up and down ladders so other players won’t be able to detect you.

25. When growing jungle trees, birch trees and spruce trees place them two blocks away from each other so they can grow. Oak saplings can be grown side by side. 

26. If ice has no solid block underneath it, nothing will happen when you break it. If ice has a solid block underneath it, it’ll turn into water.

27. If you have a pumpkin on your head endermen will not attack you. You can attack them without being attacked in return.

28. While in water, creepers don’t do any environmental damage. Neither does TNT. 

29. Monsters like the Blaze can be hurt with snowballs.

30. When editing signs, you can use the up and down arrow keys to select the text row.