Tales Of Xillia Characters Guide – Milla Artes

Tales Of Xillia is probably one of the best role playing games released in the past few years. With so many other role playing game series getting less popular or completely disappearing from the market, the Tales Of series has managed to get a good following in the West after years of struggles and games not getting localized.

Tales Of Xillia features everything that’s expected from a role playing game: an intriguing plot, a nicely built battle system, many different skills used to customize your characters and more.

The Liner Motion Battle system comes back once again, with some nice improvements that make the whole system deeper than ever, with players being able to chain artes together without any tier classification and unleash some poweful Link Artes when linked in battle with another character.

In true Tales Of tradition, the game also comes with many subquests, with some of them becoming unavailable once a certain story part has been completed. These quests not only give you some nice rewards like extra money and items but also allow players to understand more of Rise Maxia and its inhabitants.

Before we can start talking about the many side events of the game, we will be taking a deep look at some of each character’s unique artes. Many probably don’t know that many of the Artes will change and improve with more uses, become faster, get better range and so on: ff you’re looking to understand more of the game’s battle system, don’t look any further!

Please note that artes that don’t receive any performance change will not be listed: the standard bonuses for uses still apply, though, like reduce TP use, chance to save AC cost and more.

  • Milla

Shimmer Spin

Area of effect increases after 100 and 400 uses
Attack speed increases after 200 uses

Whirling Assault

Attack speed increases after 200 uses

Sigil Spear

Attack speed increases after 100 uses
Adds two additional hits after 400 uses

Blade Torrent

Forces downed enemies to stand after 100 uses
Attack speed increases after 200 uses

Binding Sphere

Area of effect increases after 100
Adds one additional hit after 100 and 200 uses


Attack speed increases after 200 uses

Death Knell

Attack speed increases after 200 uses
Area of effect increases after 400 uses

Wind Blade

The first slash forces downed enemies to stand after 400 uses


Adds an additional hit and slightly increases range at 200 and 400 uses

Aqua Protection

Adds an area of effect, centered on Milla, with a very small range after 200 uses


Adds one additional hit after 200 and 400 uses of Bolt Strike
Adds one additional hit after 200 uses of Thunder Blade