Hyrule Warriors Given Release Date for Japan

Hyrule Warriors, Nintendo’s next big release for its troubled console the Wii U, is a highly anticipated game, for it crosses over two extremely successful franchises – The Legend of Zelda and Warriors.

While some may find it to be an unusual combination, the game has much potential and, well, for me any game that has Zelda in it is ok in my books. Its also great to see the Wii U providing original and unique gaming, rather than its current bout of remakes and rehashes.

But, aside from a trailer here and there and a screenshot or two, we actually know very little about the game. Good news though, as the game is clearly more exposed in Japan, and is due for release there only a few months away in August.

August 14th will see its début within Japan, hopefully to resounding success and approval.

With the game being released there, its good to hope that a Western release is not far off – so hopefully soon Hyrule Warriors will be rolling our way too.