Top 10 Best PS3 Games of 2014

top ps3 games of 2014

Update: It's been a good long year full of games for the PlayStation 3, which is on the way out after close to a decade of offering splendid video game titles. We've updated this list with two fantastic titles that made their way into our hands this year. 

Original post follows:

The PlayStation 4 was released last week in North America and a flurry of early adapters have gotten their hands on the next-generation console. While there were a handful of promising games at launch, it’s still not a lot to choose from and some ranged from being simply “okay” to “good.”

If you’re not ready to spend a lump of dough and let go of your PlayStation 3, you’re not on the short end of the stick because there are still some awesome titles coming your way. Let’s take a look at what you can look forward to in the future.

12 South Park: The Stick of Truth

An RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment, the game’s narrative follows the New Kid, who’s new to the cozy town of South Park. The player partakes in a live-action role-playing game (LARP) session, which goes out of hand and turns into a fantasy war involving humans, elves, and wizards, all of whom are fighting for the all powerful Stick of Truth. It’s up to the player to return the town to normalcy and recover the artifact. 

11 Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

In Shadow of Mordor, players play the role of Talion, a ranger cursed with un-death, who goes on a crusade against the Uruk-hai hordes in the lands of Mordor. Designed not just for new-gen consoles and the PC, but also the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Monolith’s Shadow of Mordor is a bit like playing an Arkham-verse title in a fantasy setting.

10 Destiny 

Bungie ruined a generation of kids with the Halo series, and now they are moving on to do the next to the next generation with Destiny. A game series that’s supposedly planned to span yet another decade, Destiny mixes Borderlands with Halo, presenting a massive multiplayer class based shooting experience that will be out of this world. 


9 Watch Dogs

Since the game was probably more expensive to produce than the Apollo space program, Ubisoft is releasing Watch Dogs on the old consoles as well, even if the majority of their new tentpole franchise will take place on the new platforms. It’s Assassin’s Creed with Guns but Not Far Cry 3. If that makes any sense. It does make sense. All Ubisoft games these days are somehow Assassin’s Creed, so it’s only natural that this game here is Assassin’s Creed with Guns and Hacking (the latter to differentiate it from other Assassin’s Creed with Guns games). 


8 Wolfenstein The New Order

Nazis are bad, violets are blue, bullets go ratatat and so goes you. In this game anyway. Nazis must die - again. Just this time they stole robots from the future to enslave the present which is maybe the past? Oh I don’t know, time travel always makes me a bit sick and woozy. There’s nazis. And robots. And ex-Starbreeze people developing. You know, the Riddick people. So there’s hope this’ll actually be a fun nazi killing game. With robots. Mind the robots. 


7 Metal Gear Solid V - Ground Zeroes / The Phantom Pain

A double album, Hideo Kojima’s fifth entry to the Metal Gear Solid series promises a rich blend of rock and roll. Of sneaking and open world. Of action and gameplay, of beards and gravelly voices, horses and helicopters, dungeons and… No, no dragons. Not this time. But there was a flying, burning whale. And they call me crazy.


6 Dragon Age: Inquisition

So this is where the dragons are! BioWare is in some troubled waters, with Dragon Age II having been not much of a fan favorite, Mass Effect 3 being a bit of a PR disaster and The Old Republic having gone, well, free to play. Also, the Doctors are gone. So now they have to put on their thinking caps and create the best possible fantasy RPG they can. Which they will probably do. And which will probably be better than Dragon Age II, because let’s be honest, that was a pretty bad game. 


5 Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning Returns 

So, Final Fantasy XIII was supposed to be a longer running series, and Squenix actually made true on that by releasing this the second sequel to 2009’s Final Fantasy XIII. There will be some changes to the formula. And heroine Lightning’s bra size. Which apparently is a bulletpoint-worthy thing. 


4 Dark Souls 2

It’s going to be easier. Yeah. Fans go mad about that. Well easier if you want it to be easier. But that doesn’t matter, fans want it to go one speed and that speed is hard. Guess it’s better for From Software’s bank accounts that fans don’t make the games. 


3 Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Spanish developer Mercury Steam’s final entry to the Castlevania franchise, and the one where they tie up all the lose ends and embed their part of the saga into the wider franchise narrative. We will meet old and new characters, probably kill mostly new characters and then play as some old ones. Yeah it’s all very confusing. Our hero is now the villain and Patrick Stewart’s narration returns. Good times. 


2 Thief

A fan favorite, Thief shed it’s un-Thiefy elements and if we’re lucky all of those, including the bullet time combat will have been axed by the time the game releases. And even then the chances are that it will as a matter of fact not be the perfect game we want. We will just have to wait and see, but truth be told, as much as I like the looks of the game, the mechanical side has me scared a bit. 


1 Gran Turismo 6

A large array of supercars and one of the best physics simulations in driving games make Gran Turismo an almost legendary megaproject that now gets another entry on the ageing Playstation 3. There’s not much to say, it’s Gran Turismo. Fast cars, pretty cars, very shiny graphics that will put the new racing games on the next gen consoles to the test. As great as these games are, they are rarely a big surprise for anyone, which is probably a part of their appeal.