Titanfall Pilot Weapons Guide

In Respawn’s Titanfall a pilot’s bread-and-butter is their arsenal. All the Titanfall pilot classes have three weapon types – Primary weapon, side-arm and anti-Titan. The first two are standard for any first-person-shooter but the anti-Titan artillery introduces extra strategy to disposing of metal giants on the battlefield. Here is a handy breakdown of the Titanfall pilot weapons to aid you on your mission.

Titanfall Primary Weapons 

R101C Carbine –
This is your standard assault rifle, perfect for close encounters and ranged attacks. It’s fully-automatic so it packs a punch and has an ample fire-rate. It’s not the most powerful gun but its decent accuracy and familiarity makes it an excellent rifle in any situation.
The R101C Carbine is available from the start of the game.

EVA-8 Shotgun – Like all shotguns the EVA-8 is best used in close combat, such as inside buildings and corridors. It has a semi-automatic configuration, so pumping off rounds is easy, but each magazine only has 6 rounds, and it has terrible range.
The EVA-8 Shotgun is available from the start of the game.

Smart Pistol MK5 – This pistol is a semi-automatic with a unique lock-on feature. Once you get close enough to your target keep them within the large reticule long enough and the MK5 will fire three shots at an enemy pilot, killing them instantly. This is a really effective weapon but it has limited range and requires skill to keep enemies within the reticule for the required time.
The Smart Pistol MK5 is available from the start of the game.

R-97 Compact SMG – This submachine gun has one of the best rates of fire in Titanfall and is excellent at close-range encounters. It doesn’t do a lot of damage and doesn’t offer much accuracy but its magazine capacity more than makes up for it. Try to use the R-97 when you’re hot on a pilot’s heels.
The R-97 Compact SMG is available from Level 6.

Longbow-DMR Sniper – This is a very powerful hitscan sniper, which means you don’t have to fire where the enemy is going to be (known as ‘leading’). This makes it great against moving enemies. The fire rate isn’t spectacular, but two hits to the body should take your target to an early grave.
The Longbow-DMR Sniper is available from Level 9.

G2A4 Rifle – The G2A4 is a semi-automatic. It’s an alternative to the Carbine, sacrificing fire-rate for brute strength. This weapon is suited for all occasions. If you have a good aim and a quick trigger finger the G2A4 can kill a pilot with three bold shots to the body.
The G2A4 Rifle is available from Level 18.

Hemlock BF-R – The Hemlock is a three-burst rifle best used at range that deals a lot of damage. The mediocre fire-rate doesn’t make it a close-combat weapon but a more skilled player shouldn’t have a problem with Hemlock’s set-up. It’s a very accurate weapon so it’s great for picking off on-coming foes.
The Hemlock BF-R is available from Level 29.

C.A.R SMG – The Combat Advanced Round submachine gun is the R-97’s big brother. Similar in many ways, but can deal more damage and is more accurate as a ranged weapon.
The C.A.R SMG is available from Level 34.

Spitfire LMG – This fully-auto light machine gun can pop off 80 rounds per cartridge, making it a strong member of your arsenal and great at levelling the playing field from a distance. However, it can kick up a lot of recoil and shouldn’t be used in short bursts.
The Spitfire LMG is available from Level 39.

Kraber-AP Sniper – This is the ultimate weapon for the Titanfall pilot sniper elites. It requires you to lead your target if you want to stop them in their tracks. The Kraber-AP lets off explosive rounds, dealing maximum damage to pilots, so one clean shot should be enough.
The Kraber-AP Sniper is available from Level 44.

Titanfall Sidearms 

RE-45 Autopistol – This automatic pistol is best used at close range. It’s got a nice magazine capacity but has low accuracy and damage.
The RE-45 Autopistol is available from the start of the game.

Hammond P2011 – The semi-automatic P2011 is a fast gun with great accuracy and can deal a lot of damage at close and mid-range encounters.
The Hammond P2011 is available from the start of the game.

B3 Wingman – Like the name suggests: it’s the perfect wingman. It’s a semi-auto revolver with incredible strength and can hit it pilots from long ranges. Aim carefully though, because the fire-rate is low. The B3 Wingman is available from Level 27.

Titanfall Anti-Titan Weapons

Archer Heavy Rocket – This RPG-propelling device requires the user to lock-on to a titan before unleashing hell. The Archer is a powerful weapon but a slow one with a lot of recoil. It is effective towards a Titan’s shield, so it is possible to extract some health from a Titan while its shield is activated.
The Archer Heavy Rocket is available from the start of the game.

Sidewinder AT-SMR – The Sidewinder fires multiple mini-missiles and can cover a large spread. This results in dealing less damage. Staying close and firing rapidly while a Titan’s shield is down should bring it down. The Sidewinder lets you stay quick on your feet too.
The Sidewinder AT-SMR is available from the start of the game.

Mag Launcher – This gun fires magnetised grenades that ‘stick’ to Titans. When they detonate they unleash a blast of electricity that can disable the target. When a round is fired past a Titan it may be magnetically attracted to the Titan if the round is close enough and detonate on impact.
The Mag Launcher is available from Level 23.

Charge Rifle – To use this weapon the trigger must be held down and the rifle must obtain full charge before being fired. It will fire automatically once it has fully charged so maintaining a good shot is required. It will do next-to-no damage to the Titan’s health but it is perfect for taking down a Titan’s shield.
The Charge Rifle is available after Level 33.

Once all of the Titanfall pilot guns are unlocked they can be equipped through the Titanfall pilot customization menu, better known as the Pilot Loadout. For more information on Pilot Loadouts, visit our Titanfall Pilot Loadouts Guide. 

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