Ubisoft's Watchdogs is set in the city of chicago, where a network of computers, called the central operating system, or more commonly known as CtoS, connects everything and everyone. You play as a technically skilled hacker, Aiden Pearce, whose dabbles in criminal activity led to an unthinkable family tragedy. Pearce devotes his life to monitoring and manipulating the Central operating system, not only to protect his family and prevent anything from happening to them again, but also to seek revenge upon those responsible for his misfortune. Follow on to discover the full list of characters in Watchdogs, to distinguish between the trustworthy allies and the dishonorable.
Watchdogs Playable Characters Aiden Pearce
Voice actor: Naom Jenkins
Allies: Clara Lille, Jordi Chin, T-Bone Grady
“They think I’m a man out of control...but I’ve never had so much control.”
Aiden Pearce, Watchdog’s protagonist, is a highly skilled hacker and former criminal whose lawbreaking pastimes led to a brutal family tragedy. With access to Chicago’s Central Operation System, Pearce uses his smart phone, provided by one of his allies: The Profiler, to monitor and manipulate the CtOS in order to seek revenge and justice for his deceased family. Obsessed with surveillance, Pearce persistently monitors his family 24/7, to protect them from the wrong-doings in the city and prevent the past from repeating itself. Aiden becomes a modern day superhero, seeking to destroy the corrupt system that controls his city.
Voice actor: Unknown
Bixxel_44 is the second playable character available in Watchdogs, whose duty it is to protect Pearce during his escapades. Not much has yet been revealed upon Bixxel_44, but stay tuned as we discover more about their role within the game.
Watchdogs Main Characters / Allies Clara Lille
Voice actor: Unknown
“You screw around and you get people hurt.”
Clara is another experienced hacker and technology expert, capable of cracking any system and exposing all of the secrets that lie inside. Much like Aiden, Clara has also experienced a dark and tragic past. Ubisoft describe her as seductive and dangerous, a very handy contact for Pearce to have in his phonebook. Jordi Chin
Voice actor: Aaron Douglas
“Oh you’re using yourself as bait! Oh my God! I love it because it’s such a horrible idea”
An associate of Aiden Pearce, Jordi Chin is the leader of the Fixers Gang. The two seem to be involved in a very love-hate relationship, as, although the two appear to have a close bond and a mutual respect for one another, they note that they do not “hang out, because we’d kill each other” Jordi is Aiden’s go to man for assistance in his schemes, need a body to disappear or help hunting down an enemy? Jordi get’s things done quickly and is paid good money for doing so.
T-Bone Grady
Voice actor: John Trench
Working alongside Aiden Pearce and Clara Lille, T-Bone Grady is a fellow hacker whose passion for tinkering with technology struck from a very young age. He shares the same mindset as Pearce and Lille, constantly challenging himself to gain access to areas that are forbidden to him.
Watchdogs EnemiesJoseph Demarco
Voice actor: Trevor Hayes
“This is suicide, you understand that? You kill me, and you’ll open a door you’ll never close”
Joseph Demarco, a minor antagonists in Watchdogs, is described as one of the most important philanthropists across the local digital art scene. Aiden Pearce and Joseph Demarco cross paths during the “Demarco Assassination” mission. Following his brief meeting with Jordi Chin, Pearce heads over to the Dot ConneXion building, the collective that Joseph sponsors, locates and confronts Demarco and finally shoots him in the head, instantly killing him. Demarco has an extensive criminal record, indicating that he has previously been charged for a selection of different crimes including conspiracy, perjury and solicitation of murder.
Mary Blass
Voice actor: Unknown
Mary Blass is Joseph Demarco’s event coordinator and accomplice, Pearce must tap into Blass’ phone conversation with Demarco to discover their plots against him before assassinating Demarco in the mission.
Minor Characters
Lena Pearce
Voice actor: N/A
Lena Pearce was Aiden’s younger neice, who was sadly killed at just six years old as a result of Aiden’s criminal past. Born on 4th June 2006 and killed on 26th October 2012, this event drives Aiden to seek justice on those responsible for her unnecessary death. Raymond Kenney
Voice Actor: N/A
During the summer of 2003 the lights went out for 55 million americans across the north east, with panic spreading across new york state and hundreds suffering injuries in the hysteria, a total of 11 people died in the darkness. What was the cause of the Mayhem? Raymond Kenny, a resentful transmissions controller employee who unleashed a virus upon a vulnerability in the states transmission control room, causing the grid to overload and temporarily shutting it down.
Now in 2014, modern systems are advancing exponentially and Central Operating Systems are fully functional and managing entire cities by offering centralized control over subway lines, traffic lights, surveillance and electricity grids. These computers which have complete control over cities, are being managed by major corporations who have all to gain. This control allows them to collect personal data to sell products and influence world views. The events caused by Raymond frighten those in charge, as it highlights the reality that everything can be hacked. Now ten years later, when more is at risk than simply turning out the lights, Aiden Pearce has his opportunity to seek his his revenge.
We’ll detail additional characters and further details about them as they are released. What do you think of Ubisoft’s new character lineup? Let us know in the comments below.
Watchdogs release date is set for 28th May on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and Wii U.
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