I hope you’ve prepared yourself for a tough battle, before resuming your session of Dark Souls 2, as you’re certainly going to need it with your face off with this formidable opponent. Are you continuously becoming unstuck defeating the Lost Sinner? Follow on as we list all of the tactics you need to know to defeating this boss, including enemy weaknesses, expected attacks, item/enemy locations and Hints and Tips. The Lost Sinner
HP: 3,900
Lost Sinner Souls: 45,000 (Within Standard Game) 75,000 (Within NG+)
The Lost Sinner is the boss and prisoner of Sinner’s Rise, eternally punishing herself for her previous sins: attempting to relight the first flame. She possesses the Soul of a Great one and holds remnants of the Soul of the Old Witch of Izalith.
To prepare you for the battle against the Lost Sinner, below are a summary of the attacks that she will use against you.
How to defeat The Lost Sinner
Before you consider entering the Lost Sinner Boss fight, there are a few preparations we’d recommend ticking off your to-do list beforehand, in order to swing the environment into your favour. If you’ve already collected the Bastille Key, take this to open up the side doors in Sinners’ Rise. If you’re still to locate this key, check our Dark Souls 2 Key Locations guide for a full Walkthrough. Inside this area, using a lit torch from either the Bonfire or a Flame Butterfly, you will be prompted to light up each of the rooms. These lights will brighten up the boss room and increase your lock on distance.
As you enter the room towards the Lost Sinner, you will immediately notice how fast and aggressive she is, and what’s more she will offer you very little opportunities to prepare an attack. If you’re feeling quite unconfident in battling this boss, we’d advise you to bring along a summon, such as Lucatiel, to distract her. This will allow you to sneak behind in melee, or attack at a range with powerful spells. If you’d prefer to battle solo, it’s recommended that you bait a specific attack, in particular the Overhead smash, as it offers you enough recovery time to safely inflict some damage.
The most important piece of equipment to pack however, is a shield which absorbs the full damage that it blocks, as it’s important that we block as much of the boss’ incoming damage as physically possible. We’d recommend the Drangleic Shield in particular, which you can loot after killing the Pursuer. Discover it down a hole in the floor within the area beyond the Pursuer battle. For a full list of all of the shields in Dark Souls 2, check this Weapons and shields guide here. Remember The Lost Sinner, attacks hard, fast and darts around the room quickly, so battle defensively and patiently, taking your opportunities to attack swiftly and wisely before returning to your defensive mode. But whatever you do, ensure that you’ve always stashed away a little stamina, for times were you’ll find yourself unable to block her attacks with your shield.
Once you’ve defeated The List Sinner you will obtain the Soul of the Lost Sinner, which you can either consume to recieve 25,000 souls or alternatively acquire the Lost Sinner’s Sword by trading with Weaponsmith Ornifex.
The Lost Sinner NG+
Defeating The Lost Sinner on NG+ will award you with the Old Witch Soul which can be consumed to obtain 60,000 souls, traded with Staid of Olaphis to acquire the Flame Weapon or traded with Weaponsmith Ornifex to collect the Chaos Blade.
For a full walkthrough to all of the bosses in Dark Souls 2, visit our Guide to defeating all bosses here.
Share your strategies for defeating The Lost Sinner in the comments below.
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