How to get XP fast in Watch Dogs!

One of the essential components in Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs is the Utility capability; being able to hack everything is key. Are you hungry for more hacking, combat or crafting skills? The following guide reveals how you can climb up the skill tree and level up rapidly. For more details on Watch Dogs skills and upgrades, flick to our articles on Hacking Skills, Combat Skills and Driving & Crafting Skills.

Begin by deactivating ctOS Tower 1 in the Parker district, located north of the train station. Not sure how to? Here is a handy guide to unlocking ctOS Towers in Watch Dogs. With the ctOS Tower unlocked you will discover a part of the map hideouts, which are used as a ‘quick-travel’ similar to those seen in many Assassin’s Creed games. A tick will then appear over a building on the map, if it was previously undiscovered. Head to the hideout, which is located by the river and train tracks. Once you have arrived at your destination, guide Aiden to the highway and start to raise your ctOS level by attacking civilians. Accuracy is important here because while they’re sat in their cars, the police will be alerted to you but not pursuit.

When your wanted level has reached its limit, turn around and make your way to the hideout indicated on your map. Then run across the train tracks nearest the hideout and steal a car. The theft will cause the police to hunt you down, which is exactly what you want. Wait until you’re captured by the yellow scan before driving off. Next you need to drive through the fence and down along the tracks heading northeast until you reach the tunnel. Drive into it and wait for an incoming train.

Make sure the train stops fully inside the tunnel. Then it’s time to board the XP train! Enter the train and run to the far end, which will lead to the police calling off their search but your ctOS meter will maintain its level. You’ll then have to wait around 50 seconds for the police helicopter to leave and for your escape to be successful. Now you will gain 300 XP. With the ctOS meter full, shoot the train floor and attract the cops once again. Wait another 50 seconds and they will call off their search, earning you another 300 XP. Repeating this process will let you level up very quickly and unlock those vital Utility skills.

This Watch Dogs fast XP plan can continue for as long as you like, provided you remember the following tips. If your ctOS meter becomes lower whilst on the train, you can kill a passenger to return it to the necessary level and keep going. But don’t forget to save your progress whilst tripping on fast XP. The explained method doe not cause the game to autosave and you don’t want to waste all of those points, as well as your time. What’s the saying, better to be safe than sorry? Getting the rounds of 300 XP depends on your staying on the train, so do not leave it unless you are satisfied with the amount of XP you have gathered, or you are bored. There is always a risk of that with repetition, but think of the quick level up you can have in Watch Dogs for it!

Have you got any Hints and Tips for Watch Dogs? Share them in the comments below!

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