How to level up fast in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition

Now that Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls, Ultimate Evil Edition has been released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, most players will have gotten to grips with the games core features and the same questions will be on everybody’s mind… How can I level up fast in Diablo 3? Is it enough to just play through the game blindly or are there specific tactics and Diablo strategies which can be implemented to help with power leveling?


The first tip we can offer to those with this question is to make use of the brand new Apprentice mode, which is a very fast way to raise your hero’s level. The trick is to figure out which member of your party has the hero with the highest level and then to get them using that character as you’re playing in a group. The other heroes in the group will get stat boosts to help them survive alongside this character. Although this wont make them as powerful as the character in question due to the absence of high level weapons, skills and armor, the high level character will be able to destroy monsters quickly whilst the apprentices in the group will be gifted with a higher rate of XP and loot drops.

Playing together with friends has many other benefits too, such as an XP boost that gets higher every time someone joins your party and the brand new player mail system. The player mail system lets you share items that you may not find useful with other players, which means you can get your stronger friends to chip in and borrow you some items to make your leveling up process faster. The nemesis feature also means that monsters from your friends’ games can travel into your game and will drop nice loot if they are defeated as well as unlocking special gifts, which your friends can send to you with the player mail feature.

Another good tip from experienced players is to keep your eye open and equip items that will reduce level requirements. This will lessen the time taken to be able to equip gear that will make you stronger and in turn speed up the overall time taken to level up. You can also equip rubies to your weapons, which are one of the five gems found in Diablo 3. Rubies will increase your total experience per kill as well as your strength and maximum/minimum damage output. Not bad for a shiny stone. The most effective practice with rubies seems to be to put it in your helm, as this is the only place that provides the percentage bonus.

Don’t forget to push yourself by playing on the hardest difficulty, which you can manage as you get much more experience, gold, gems and loot drops as you progress through the higher difficulties. There is no limit to which difficulty you have to play on but it’s important to remember that you don’t get any bonuses for taking forever to win or for dying repeatedly. You need to pick a difficulty level that is both challenging and realistic. One that provides enough resistance to help you level up faster but not so much resistance that it takes you forever to level up because you cant beat anyone.

Once the campaign mode is completed it’s a good idea to use adventure mode to complete your leveling up fast as it allows you to jump quickly between bounties, which will help you to gain access to special rifts with higher rates of xp and loot drops. There is also a method called split farming which requires you to split your group up and send different members to different bounties. Each bounty result will be shared towards the caches that you will receive for completing all of the bounties in a particular Act. You may need to lower your difficulty slightly for this to work as monster power is boosted up for groups and you will be facing these boosted monsters alone.

Have you got any Hints and Tips for levelling up faster in Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition? Let us know in the comments below!


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