What is Destiny? Hints, Tips and Cheats Guide
With the Release Date of Destiny fast approaching at midnight of September the 9th. Its no surprise that many people have started to search for the best destiny hints, tips, cheats, glitches and walkthroughs already. As usual, over at trade in detectives we have been busy digging up the best content we can and have compiled this spicy list for you, which we aim to update continuously. If you are planning to or have already bought destiny then this page is for you!

Beginner Tips:
These articles are for the casual gamer, you know the type who would like to enjoy destiny without investing vast amounts of time and effort. If you like to skip cut scenes and get straight to the action then the links below will be perfect for you my dear guardians!
- The Beginners guide to success in Destiny: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/hints-and-tips-for-success-in-destinys-beta-652/
- The Beginners guide to Destiny Classes, Subclasses and Abilities: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/destiny-classes-subclasses-and-abilities-guide-627/
- How to Gain XP/ Level up fast in Destiny: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/how-to-level-up-and-gain-xp-in-destiny-beta-665/
- Tower Walkthrough and Merchant Guide:
- How to create or Join a Destiny clan: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/how-to-join-a-destiny-clan-678/
- Destiny Character Customization guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/destiny-classes-races-and-their-customisations-624/
- Enemies and Enemy Classes guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/destiny-enemies-and-classes-guide-626/
- Destiny Vehicles Guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/destiny-vehicles-revealed-630/
- Destiny Armor/ Armor Set Guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/destiny-armour-breakdown-633/
- Destiny Factions guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/destiny-factions-wiki-628/
The Crucible:
This section is for the multiplayer sections of destiny. If you like to play with or against your friends and fellow gamers then this section is for you.
- How to Unlock PVP in Destiny: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/how-to-unlock-pvp-in-destiny-661/
- Destiny Super Ability Guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/destiny-beta-super-abilities-guide-677/
Everybody loves money and gamers are no different. So we’ve thrown together some nifty tips on how to get rich fast in Destiny, who knows? Maybe you could be the first to earn a million glimmers in destiny.
- Best ways to earn glimmer fast: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/best-ways-to-earn-glimmer-in-destiny-beta-654/
Want to know the most effective weapon you can use to blow a rather large hole in a fallen soldier? Well look no further; this section is dedicated to the destiny universe’s weaponry.
- The Best Weapons so far: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/destiny-beta-the-best-weapons-so-far-668/
- The Customizable Loadout guide: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/destiny-customizable-loadouts-guide-648/
Need another way to tell your friends that you are better then them? I always find it fun to show off how many of a games collectibles I’ve got and so we’ve crafted this section to ensure you guys get all the collectibles that can be found in the Destiny Universe.
- Destiny hidden Gold Loot Chest locations: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/destiny-beta-hidden-gold-loot-chests-locations-658/
- How to collect Grimoire Cards: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/blog/how-to-collect-grimoire-cards-in-destiny-664/
This section will be updated with all of the secrets and glitches that we find in Destiny. My favorite so far is the full-scale war that can erupt between the fallen and the Hive even without any input for the player! The perfect setting to test your new weaponry and armor Loadouts!
- Seven Secrets from the destiny Beta: http://www.tradeindetectives.com/news-room/seven-hidden-secrets-in-the-destiny-beta-666/