Heroes Of The Storm: Diablo Apocalypse Build Guide

Heroes Of The Storm: Diablo Apocalypse Build Guide Posted on May 26, 2015, 8:11 pm By Billy D Heroes of the Storm Guide

A new guide has surfaced for playing as the hero Diablo in Heroes of the Storm. This follows the latest patch after the game entered open beta, explaining which skills to get at which levels and why. This particular build is known as the Diablo Apocalypse build, and there’s an accompanying video to explain how the build is played and how you can use it to help secure a victory or two for your team.

YouTuber Awall vs Heroes of the Storm unleashed a 20 minute video guide that actually shows you how to play the build while actually in a match. This is probably one of the better ways to see how a character build guide works given that it’s actually being employed in real-time and you can see just how effective each choice is and how it coincides with a team’s play-style. The Apocalypse build is centered around mobility, enemy displacement and big booty body blocks. Check it out below.

Diablo is a tank. He fits in the Warrior class category but is good for absorbing damage and keeping opponents off their feet with some minor crowd-control capabilities. This particular build is about using him as a mobile, area-of-effect kind of tank.

Early on Awall suggests going with Soul Feast, which grants users 10 souls per hero kill and 1 soul per minion kill.

  • Souls help increase Diablo’s maximum health and the percentage at which his health regenerates
  • If you max out at 100 souls you can regenerate automatically or respawn automatically

At the next level stop gap, you’ll want to go with Fire Devil. It’s a talent that allows Diablo to unleash Fire Stomp, which shoots fire in multiple directions and works as a light DoT (damage over time) and area of effect move.

At level seven you’re going to want to activate Soul Steal. This increases the health bonus from the Black Soulstone.

Apocalypse at level 10 works in conjunction with the Fire Devil talent. The idea is to use it to unleash massive damage in crowds and then follow it up with Fire Devil to kill opponents attempting to escape.

Firestorm does massive damage sending out fire attacks while also creating a fire wave that returns, doing massive damage to anything upon its return. This is a massive buff to Fire Stomp skill.

At level 16 Awall goes for Rampage, a popular choice amongst the community. It coincides with the Fire Stomp skill by boosting Diablo’s movement speed by 20% and increasing his basic attack damage by 50% whenever you use Fire Stomp.

According to Awall…

“So now your Fire Stomp is basically on crack.”

Well said.

At level 20 Awall goes for Lord of Terror, an active talent that allows you steal health from nearby heroes by taking 10% from those within the area.

Awall finishes out the video giving a beatdown to the opposing team before taking out the opponent’s tower.

You can grab Heroes of the Storm right now, for free, from over on the official website.