Dominate The Crucible in Destiny With These 5 Simple Tips

Is the crucible in Destiny getting you down? Are you a RPG convert struggling in the fast paced FPS world?  Or maybe you’re trying to purchase some better gear to get your light up. Whatever your reason is, if you want to keep that K/D ratio high and help your team win consistently, you’re going to have to go back to the basics. Let’s get right to it. 

Pairing the Right Weapons Together


Achieving harmony between your three weapon slots is crucial to success when your first starting out in the crucible. Sure the best players can use whatever they want, but when your learning the ropes you need to strike a logical balance.

Start by picking your best weapon type. If you try and force a weapon (perhaps a shiny new exotic) on yourself just because you perceive it to be the best, you’re going to struggle. Whether it’s primary or secondary, focus on what you’re most comfortable with.

After that, pick a second weapon in your opposing slot that best compliments the first weapon you picked. For example, a scout and a fusion rifle pair nicely together due to their ability to succeed at all ranges. Auto rifles and shotguns also work well together. Advance with the auto rifle until you’re close enough to where the shotgun becomes more effective. Whatever you choose, just have some sound logic behind your choice.

Know When to Pursue Enemies…


Don’t be afraid to pursue enemies sometimes. If you’re in a close firefight and you see your opponent backing off to reload or hide, keep the pressure on! Switch to another weapon if you’re low yourself, and finish them off. Chances are if they’re leaving it’s because you have the upper hand.

This goes for one on one engagements. Make sure your enemy isn’t leading you into another teammate or to a spot where they can hide with a shotgun. That leads us to our next point…

…And Know When to Run


Don’t fight fruitless battles. If you’re out-positioned, outnumbered or just plain out-skilled, get out of there! If you know you’re going to die, then do your best to evacuate yourself from that situation.

Jump to higher ground, behind cover or just straight run for your life towards your teammates. Make every life count. Also, if you see someone like a bladedancer or a gunslinger activate their special, make a break for it unless you have some heavy weapons or a super of your own to counter it. If you try and take out a super’d up enemy without one of your own, you’re going to have a bad time. Speaking of supers…

Use Your Supers if you Got Em’


Being protective of special abilities and items is a classic mistakes many gamers make. RPG fans especially can relate. You have a potion or some kind of disposable item that will help you in battle but you save it as long as possible cause you never know when you might need and then never end up even using it. It’s very easy to do the same with your super in Destiny.

Many people (including myself early on) just hold on to that super for the perfect moment to unleash. You wait and you wait and then the next thing you know the battle is over. If you’re at least thinking about using your super just go ahead and do it. Chances are, it will refresh by the time you want to use it again. You can often use your super two to three times in the time you would normally play it safe and use it once. Pull that trigger.

Practice Makes Perfect (Know Your Maps!)


My first couple of weeks playing the crucible in Destiny was pretty brutal. Not knowing where you’re going or what you should be doing is going to lead you to getting eaten alive by the people who are naturals at competitive FPSs.

Don’t get discouraged though. Pay attention to the name of maps. Know where the points are in control. Be aware of all the nooks and crannys, so you know where someone might be hiding with a shotgun. Through repetition and perseverance, you’ll eventually know exactly where you are and where you’re going at all times and have a huge advantage over the players that are just flailing around aimlessly.