Rocket League Guide: How to Play Like a Pro and Score Easy Goals

Learn How to Drive

rocket league

This first tip may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t know how to do everything in their little rocket cars. Most players that pick up the game rely on just driving forward, turbo, and the occasional jump which are enough to get by, but not nearly enough to earn pro status in Rocket League. To be completely fair, unless you check the controls before starting a game, most abilities will probably be unknown to you, especially when you find yourself caught up in the excitement of Rocket League‘s multiplayer component.

Aside from putting the pedal to the metal, and jumping, you have the ability to reverse and a handbrake that will help you pull of some really sharp turns. Oh, and that jump everyone likes to use to get the ball right out of your reach? It can be used again in mid-air for some serious shots and set-ups. Also, the walls are your friends, driving on the walls and jumping off of them allows you to nail those hard to reach hits, as well as control ball placement while everyone else is just ramming everything in sight all willy-nilly.

Control Your Turbo Boost

rocket league boost

Rocket League gives players an ability that is extremely hard to resist, the rocket-powered turbo boost. Although it depletes rather quickly, there are many spots that provide a quick charge to keep you powered up. The normal glowing plates provide a charge of 12%, while the plates with golden orbs juice your car up with a full 100%. Having such easy access to this simple to use power tends to make players overuse it though.

As surprising as it may sound, Rocket League rewards the slow, methodical players. Players that wait for an opening rather than just ram the ball (which happens to be a powerful explosive) haphazardly. Sometimes using your boost can cause you to miss a shot or, even worse, set up a shot for your opponents to score. Instead of rushing everywhere, use jump shots and your handbrake for solid, but thoughtful, hits. Slowing the ball down will often send opponents into a rushing frenzy causing them to make rookie mistakes such as boosting right past you since it’s harder to steer while using turbo.

Only use your turbo boost when you’re breaking away, have a sure shot, or are rushing to help a teammate. As fun as it may seem, do not just turbo boost around every Rocket League match.

Use the Proper Camera for Your Role

rocket league cam

Rocket League has two camera options while playing. There is the standard behind the car camera, and the ball camera. The behind the car camera keeps the view behind you, and has allows for much easier camera rotation while moving around. Since the ball is hard to keep track of in any arena, an arrow will indicate its locations at all times. This camera should be used when you’re just rushing around looking for boosts, or just running interference. It’s the easiest view to use while driving around and is best if you aren’t trying to be the scoring hero of your team.

Now for those who want points on the board during Rocket League games the ball cam is definitely for you, but you must keep in mind that at first it will make driving pretty weird. In this mode, the ball will always be center of your screen, even if it’s high in the sky. That means there will be times where the camera shifts to completely eliminate the view of where you’re driving. This is something players can get used to over time, but is a bit disorienting at first. Yet, although it can be dizzying, knowing where the ball is at all times allows for the player to set up shots, and always get those crucial touches. Just make sure to let your team know you’re in ball cam, that way they aren’t stuck wondering why you’re driving so erratically.

The Perfect Shot

rocket start

Many of you may have already stumbled on this fun little Rocket League factoid, but in case you haven’t, you may be pleased to know that the best time to score is right at the beginning of a round. This is when the game first starts, or after any team scores. The ball will be dropped in the middle and the teams will be organized into rotating formations. Most players will be rushing for the ball, but if you hit it just right, you will not only be the only person to touch it, but you will get a goal nearly every single time. Keep in mind that it’s best for the teammate closest to center (lined up with the opponents goal) to attempt the shot. Don’t try and steal anyone’s glory, you’ll get your turn.

What you wanna do is immediately boost (all players start with 34% boost). If you’re worried about running out of speed don’t, there are plenty of charging plates in your immediate vicinity. Make a beeline straight for the ball but let go of your turbo a second or two before actually reaching it. Once you make contact with the ball quickly tap jump to add some lift to your shot. When done right the ball will fly directly to the top of the goal. To ensure you get the point, continue straight but stop when you’re about midway to the goal. There is a chance, especially if you forgot to release turbo, that the ball with hit the wall directly over the goal. Just wait for it to bounce straight back to you and get your clear shot.  The rest of the team should be running interference at this time to help this player out.

Rocket League Requires a Rocket Team

rocket league shot

Unless you’re playing 1v1, Rocket League is a team game where all players share a common goal: winning. Sometimes that may mean taking on a more supportive role. What does that mean? Well, it can mean not always rushing the ball, playing the backfield, being happy with assists rather than direct goals, and not being greedy.

Rocket League is a very exciting game, so it’s understandable that some may want to rush the ball at all times. If you know you have someone like that on your team, hang back. Give them a hand when they’re getting ganged up on, set up shots for them, or be ready to score when they put the ball in position. Work off of one another, not against. A team that communicates and plays well together prevents the all too common occurrence of teams scoring in their own goals, or leaving their goal completely unattended. Don’t be that team, be a pro. 

Sometimes You Have to Blow Someone Up

rocket league explosion

Rocket League gives players the ability to destroy other players. No, I don’t mean destroy as in beat them 10 – 0 (although you totally can). I mean literally destroy them. A well-placed boost into an opponent will cause their car to explode. It’s good during a rush to the goal, or when you just want to get a player out for a couple of seconds. One thing to keep in mind is that players aren’t gone for long. Within three seconds, they will spawn right next to their goal, so if you’re going to be mean, make it count.

These tips combined will make you Captain Planet. Well, maybe not Captain Planet, but they certainly will allow you to be a much better Rocket League player. Do you have any more tips for your fellow rocket car based athletes? If so feel free to share in the comments below.